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tv   FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX  October 19, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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i'm chris wallace. president obama names an ebola czar, but there are growing demands in congress for a travel ban from west africa. our fundamental mission is to protect americans. right now we're able to track everyone who comes in, but you're knot stopping them from being around other people, doctor. we'll have the latest from dr. anthony fauci. and we'll discuss criticism of the government response with the chair of the house oversight panel congressman tim murphy. and disease expert dr. michael oster home. has the government oversold its ability to contain the deadly virus? >> if we do the protocols
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properly, the likelihood of widespread ebola outbreaks in this country are very, very low. our sunday panel weighs in. then it's just 16 days to the midterm elections. with control of the senate still up for grabs. we'll have a debate between the chairs of both parties. reince priebus and debbie wasserman schultz in their first joint appearance of 2014. it's a "fox news sunday" exclusive. plus the man who keeps america on time, all right now on "fox news sunday." hello again from fox news in washington. under fire from republicans and some democrats, president obama is now scrambling to restore confidence in how his administration is handling the ebola threat. today we want to take a look at it from all angles. we'll talk with the government's point man on infectious disease,
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dr. anthony fauci, and we'll hear from two critics, congressman tim murphy, and public health dr. michael oster hole home. >> good morning, chris. this is the day the quarantine is scheduled to be lifted on the family members of eric thomas duncan. today marks 21 days since he was first admitted to the hospital. that hospital, texas health presbyterian is admitting more mistakes today. in an open letter the hospital apologized that the training and education program for employees had not been fully deployed before duncan walked into that emergency room. the hospital is also pushing back for in information in duncan's medical reports that there may have been lapses in the use of protective gear. that's when nurses nina pham and
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amber vinson are believed to be infected. judge clay jenkins fears that many more health workers currently being monitored may be at risk units we're very prayerful we won't have more, but i've got my team making contingencies to cover double-digit numbers. >> he is saying that about 50 of those health care worker may potential be infected. the cdc is making another midcourse correction to help, raising the standards for personal protective equipment and new guidelines that will soon release. it's expected those guidelines will recommend similar head to toe type of protection that health care workers are using in africa when they treat ebola patients. all these apologies and patients have many people concerned that officials were woefully unprepared and are just making it up as they go along. by the way, that lab worker from texas who was out on the carnival cruise is now back on dry land. she landed in galveston this
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morning. public health officials, chris, say she poses no threat. now let's bring in one of the government's top public health officials leading the fight against ebola. dr. anthony fauci, director of the national snunt of infectious diseases. welcome back. >> good to be with us. >> let's start with nina pham, flown from dallas to nih. she was listed in fair condition on friday. how is she now? >> she's fine. she's fine. she's fair, very stable, comfortable. when you get ebola, it really knocks you out, chris, so obviously there's a lot of fatigue and weakness. she's doing quite well. i had a long conversation with her last night. she's in good spirits. >> are you always optimistic? >> you always hate to predict when you have a serious disease, but i'm feeling good about the fact she's progressing very well. >> now, there is a report she
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was one of the first people to treat thomas eric duncan, patient zero, in dallas, and the report is she was not wearing protective gear originally. one, is that true? and two, does she have an idea as to how she got the virus? >> well, the answer is that the protocol that was originally recommended was a protocol that's a w.h.o. protocol that's best fitted for out in the field. it doesn't cover every single aspect of your skin. that worked in the field. what what's very clear now, if you're in an intensive care sitting, doing minks you would never do in the bush or in the field in africa, very invasive procedures, that that's not the optimal way. we don't know for sure, but it's likely she got infected because she was not completely covered. president obama has appointed ron klain as the ebola
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czar. as director, how will you coordinate with the new czar? >> we have coordination from the white house now with lisa monaco and susan rice. we have multiple agencies involved. one of them is hss. with ron we'll have somebody whose full time job will be doing that. we welcome that. as we know. lisa and susan have other very important day jobs. we're looking forward to working with him as ka coordinator of what we do. one of the criticisms of government so far is top officials said things that turned out not to be true. take a look at these. >> i have no doubt we'll stop this in its tracks in the u.s. >> every hospital in this country has the capability to isolate a patient. >> i shook hands with, hugged and kissed not the doctors, but a couple of the nurses, and i felt perfectly safe doing so. >> doctor, how do you explain
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all of these misstatements or overstatements from top government officials? >> i'm not so sure, chris, that they're misstatements and overstatements. when dr. free den, he was talking about an outbreak. >> two more people got it. >> two more people. two more people are infected in the situation in which they were at risk. what dr. friedan was talking about was an outbreak. we're not those two were in danger, but that is strict ri not an outbreak. and it was said that every hospital can isolate a patient. clearly there was a sense of certainty that was being conveyed, which has not been lived up to. >> exactly. that's unfortunate. what we need to do right now is
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make sure when we talk about things, that we talk about them. there aren't absolutes. you want a delicate balance between assuring the american peek, but not scaring them with the fact there may be a risk. what we do right now is nothing is completely risk-free. that's what people need to understand, but the relative risk of things people need to understand is very, very small. never zero, chris, but very small. >> when you were here just two weeks ago, you flatly opposed a travel ban from the three west african countries, the hot zone up there on the map, but now more than two dozen african countries have restricted travel from those countries, so have a number of european airlines. are we here in the u.s. being just politically correct in allowing people to continue to travel in? >> i don't think so, chris. i think when you tau about the idea of a travel ban, we listen to and respect the opinions of people who feel that should be
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the case, because their argument is an argument from people who are of good intention of they want to do the best for the american people. there are some down sides to that. what are the arguments against it? >> the strongest argument i believe against is, when people come into the country, you can track them. if you say nobody sums from sierra leone, liberia or new guin guinea, you can come in other ways, so when they come in from a place you can track them, you know. >> just briefly. they're going to have a passport, a stamp from that country. >> right. >> couldn't you still screen them? i hear this talk about we're going to disrupt the democracies, the economies of these countries, we're talking about 100 to 150 people each day. will it cause disruption to do what a lot of countries in africa are doing? >> but take it from the other side. if you look at the august and september, 36,000 people came to
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an airport in one of those three countries to get out. by the screening there, 77 were not allowed to get on the plane for health reasons form of those 77, none had ebola the so there's not a big influx of people trying to get into the country. you have for look at the possible down side of trying to completely not let anybody out when there isn't not just a large number, but zero of 77 stopped did not have ebola. most of them had malaria. dr. fauci, thank you for coming in to speak with us. >> good to see you, chris. has the government done enough? joining us is congressman tim murphy, chair of the oversight panel that had a hearing this week that criticized the administration response. and michael oster home director from the universal of minnesota, congressman murph xwr, your
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official reaction to the appointment of ron klain as the ebola czar was that it was, quote, shocking and tone-deaf. have you heard anything since then to change your mind? >> no, the american people are looking for someone with expertise and nothing. he has none in these fields. throughout this whole thing, given a number of missteps, promises and assurances the cdc has given, everything from we have had plenty of hospitals, the gowning was fine the way it was initially, fever can identify, using only 100.4. so many of those assurances have not been accurate. what people want is as much -- don't overpromise, don't be certain when you're not certain, but the key is to protect and defend the people of the united states. the way the cdc is coming out now, saying so far no one has come in. this is like dealing with terrorism. we have to be right 100% of many
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time and ebola has to only get in once. my background is not me sin, it's psychology. i know what creates panic. what creates panic is when people are given information that proves tore false. we need to stop these over-certainties. >> mr. oster home, you heard my discussion with dr. fauci about all the misstatements from the government. one of the things you you say is we have been too confident, too certain in what the government has telling the american people. >> well, first of all, we do know a lot about ebola, and i gray whoa heartedly we will not have a community outbreak. we didn't get it right in dallas as we should and should have, and frankly in other communities we probably wouldn't have gotten it right, either. we've learned a lot in two weeks. while i'm concerned about what happens in this country, what i'm concerned about is what
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happens in africa. as long as that forest fire is burning, the embers will keep coming around the world, regardless of whether they close borders or not. >> i want to talk about the threats from that country, the hot zone, because one of the issues is about this idea of a travel ban. congressman murphy, a travel ban from those three kins to the united states, congressman murphy, which is what president obama said this week. >> trying to seal off an entire region of the world, if that with even possible, could actually make the situation worse. >> congressman murphy, why is the president wrong? >> well, look, first of all, the president has sealed off israel in the past, sealed off other areas temporarily. we can have travel restrictions until we get the rest right. some believe this would lead to
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the collapse of the economy in african. the idea we can't get goods and supplies -- that's totally false. we've shipped hundreds of thousands of supplies into germany during the berlin airlift. the idea that people won't travel unless we put in a ban is absu absurd. people are already moving all over africa now for jobs and temporary work. they do that now. we can trace passports, but this idea of only fever scans and asking people to be honest, we know there's two more assumptions that the cdc has that are not true. if you're going to restore faith and stop panic, you have to be more accurate. >> let me bring in mr. ost osterholm, as i discussed with dr. fauci, as many as two dozens nations have restricted air travel to and from the hot zone. >> just because somebody takes an, doesn't believe it's right.
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i believe congressman murphy is well intentioned with his assessment here, and certainly it makes some sense. but we've talked -- and you've led some program by saying i'm critical about the response, and i am. i would have no problem saying the thing to do is close the border if we could really protect this country from what's happening over there. that's just not the case. this is not a partisan issue and shouldn't be a partisan issue. just this past week, former secretary mike leavitt of hhs under the bush administration, is somebody i very much respect and admire, himself came out and said from his own experience having been at hhs, about what -- >> why is the travel ban a bad idea? >> it is a bad idea in part because of the fact that we don't effectively stop people from getting into this country and for what? what i'm talking about here is we've had one single ka is so far. maybe we stop another one. we do know that travel bands
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will seriously impact or ability to get people in and out of that area. congressman, i agree on the berlin airlift, but that's all military f you're prepared to give us hundreds of military plane toss fly in and out at will when we need them to mo i don't see anybody in congress telling us today we'll get hundreds of military planes. >> congressman murphy? >> i've already asked dr. friedan and told president obama tell us what congress needs to authorize. we're sewning thousands of people through ships and planes. we could do a lot of the ability to move goods and supplies is massive. we want to stop ebola in after kaj. even when people talk about one more case. it means a lot to the family who dies in the united states and means a lot to the security of americans. let's focus on concentrating
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efforts to stop it in america, but make 134ur we're protecting the border from ebola coming in, too. >> you say this is a marathon, not a sprint, and we're barely at the one-mile mark in our fight against ebola. you also say it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. are you saying that about the u.s., too? >> as long as this forest fire is burning in africa and potential spreads eastward into larger cities, yeah, i think we'll see the sparks flying off. do i think we'll get it right in the u.s.? that we will protect health care workers? yes, i do. but i think what we are not talking about is is the devastation in africa, not human lives, but from an actual security standpoint. if this moves eastward just by people walking on foot, not being checked on borders, it is potential this has to destabilize all of after kaj is
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huge. ask anyone in the intelligence community what that means. we have to do more, and congressman, i would love for you to take a look at why are we not seeing more troops on the ground? why are our supplies not arriving? why is the rest of the world not responding? we need a vaccine, congressman, i hope you will help us get that vaccine. in the end that's the only magic bullet to help us stop this thing. that right now large lest roasts in the hands of the united states. >> mr. osterholm, and congressman murphy, thank you for coming in. did the appointment of the ebola czar mark a turning point in the united states' response? plus go to facebook or twitter @foxnewssunday, and we may use your question on the air.
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fighting this disease will take time. before this is over, we may see more isolated cases here in america, but we know how to wage this fight. president obama on saturday trying to reassure americans who may not be all that confident in the government's response to the ebola threat. it's time now for our sunday group. brit hume, fox news senior political annualers neara tanneden, syndicated columnist george will, and fox news political analyst juan williams.
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i want to -- put this headline up, if you will. obama is said to see -- the story goes on to report that the president is just as upset with the administration's response as all the rest of us. brit, do you buy did? >> no. i felt back to the administration and felt worse for "new york times" after i read the story. i didn't buy it. this is the president's aides, most of them anonymous, portraying him as having the -- >> seething. >> seething. no, i didn't believe it. i believe the appointment of ron klain shows that the administration thinks this is more of a political and public relations problems than a public health problem. it is clearly both. the key to the whole thing, chris, in my view is klain was not given the kind of authority,
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in other words reporting directly to the president, and taking overall charge of this effort as a true czar would, in fact he's still reporting to people who have been managing this problem already. >> neera, how do you explain all of the screwups in the government response to the ebola situation here in the u.s. so far? >> look, i think it's clear that cdc was -- gave, you know, some inaccurate protocol information right at the beginning of this. they even said so on thursday, that the protocol should have been closer to doctors without borders. i think the administration is taking the right steps, the cdc s.w.a.t. teams is going in wherever there is a patient immediately. that's an important steps. the steps they are taking is really critical -- >> but not to -- you had, and we played this for dr. fauci,
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frieden saying we can stop this in the tracks president obama talking about hugging nurses. there was an overstatement, an over-certainty that i think has hurt the government's credibility. >> actually i think dr. fauci answered these things very well. it's important he's out, because these are public health issues. i think the challenge is here, and he said clearly we have three case source far. we don't want to institute panic in the country. we now see some instances of overreaction, we want to get to these cases there should have been cdc s.w.a.t. teams at every single -- >> would you have felt good if you were on the plane with the woman who turned out to have ebola. >> i wouldn't feel great, but i don't think it's right right now for the media to instill a level of panic that can lead to counterproductive response.
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we want people who are sick to come forward. it shouldn't be a political crisis. it's a public health issue. >> fair enough. we spoke yes and you said you wanted to focus on comments that dr. frieden made. this was a video sent to the hot zone in which he said you can get on a bus and don't have to worry about catching ebola. frieden was asked about that. >> if you're a member of the traveling public and are healthy, should you be worried you might have gotten it by sitting next to someone? the answer is no. second, if you are sick and you may have ebola should you get on the bus? and the answer to that is also no. you might become ill, you might have a problem that exposes someone around you. >> george, you say that is the problem. >> that is the problem. if you're not feeling healthy, you're going to go on feeling
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healthy, but if you have flu-like symptoms or ebola-like symptoms, don't get on the bus, you might -- you can't square that circle. >> the original problem was that you need to have direct contact, meaning with body will you fluids, because it's not airborne. now there are doctors saying we're not so sure that it can't in some instances be transmitted airborne. >> where are you getting the doctors who are saying it's not airborne? we've had cdc, the world health organization, doctors have been treating this for 40 years, it's not like ebola just started. dr. osterholm here basically critical of some elements, but saying there's basics facts, among the basket facts who said it's not airborne, you must however understand, they said the fluids can be infectious for up to a number of days. >> you have to have interaction
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with fluids. >> on a dry surface, hence they want, well, when you get on an airport perhaps you should clean the armrest and the tray. there are some doctors saying in a sneeze or cough, some of the airborne particles can be infectious? >> who are the doctors saying this? this is what i think is really important, that facts about this disease do not lead to panic. so far every expert that i've seen have said -- >> every expert that you have seen. here we go again. >> the cdc. >> people saying -- >> i do want to say this, in the interest there is no indication so far that it is airborne that, yes, if there's fluid, and you're a couple feet away, it can have an impact, about you it isn't just that you can breathe the air. >> but it's airborne. >> no, it's contact with a fluid. it's different than the flu. >> it's different from the flu. >> we do want to say with what
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we know. let me go quickly to you in the time remaining, juan, because we asked you for questions for the panel. we got a number like this from clay dalton, who write been -- a lawyer with zero medical experience, as you should i have no confidence in the government. juan, how do you answer, and what about this argument that the appointments of ron klain does not instill more public confidence, particularly when our experts have said a lot of things that turned out to be not true. >> i don't think there's any questions the way the networks are doing the chicken little routine -- >> you think the media -- >> i think the media has been terrible, just irresponsible. the congress had hearings on this week, the political curtain -- and i think ron klain is part of it. i think it's a political response. i thought we needed somebody with more expertise a the
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specific issue, but then again the white house has come back, but they said this is management, the guy knows how not to coordinate, implement, make sure everybody has right supplies, not only here in the united states, but in africa, the military. all of that to me is important, but you see the politics comes to the forefront. republicans are using it to try to undercut the president, he's incompetent. the democrats are shifting, rushing as we approach the mid terms. to me this is all politics and it's so disconcerting when you think it's a human situation, there's going to be human error. honestly america is the only country doing anything. i don't see the europacien or africans doing anything. this is crazy. it's sad. all right. panel, we have to take a break here. when we come back, we're now entering the homestretch in the midterm election campaign.
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there are now just 16 days until this year's midterm elections where we could see a big shift in the balance of power here in washington. joining us now for their first joint appearance of 2014, the chair of the republican national committee reince preabu, and
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florida congresswoman and chair of the debbie wasserman schultz. welcome. we have to get together more on which. there's a bunch of they election labs. nate silver's 538 website says the gop has a 52% chance. the "new york times" upshot says 17% chat and "the washington post" election lab says a 93% likelihood. will your party take the senate? >> absolutely. we feel good about our chances. partly number one, the president has taken the country in the wrong direction. the lieutenants across the country have followed the president off the plank. i think there's an incompetency malaise across the country where people are not confident in the job the democrats have done. but we're also winning on the ground. the democrat advantage in iowa
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is all but evaporating. in no other senate state on the ground are we losing. it's more important we get our country turned around against, chris. >> congresswoman wasserman schultz, will you lose the senate? >> no, we're going to hold the senate. over the next couple weeks, leading up to even today, the one question that voters will ask themselves, chris, is who has my back? on issue after issue, democrats have stood up for jobs, for the economy, for investing in education and health care, those are the issues that voters are talking about. the republicans have engaged in trying to take their health caraway and opposed minimum wage and i want to address what reince said about the ground game. who would -- republicans have to invest in blood-red states that they are not worried think might
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lose. >> debbie, you guys are losing everywhere, and the president hasn't had anybody's back, not even your back. i don't know whose back they democrats have, but it's not the american people's back. >> i want to talk about that. i think you would both agree that perhaps the republicans' best issue is the unpopularity of this president. look at interesting numbers here. in these four critical states with key senate races, mr. obama's approval rating is in the 30s, all four democratic incumbents have voted with the president more than 90% of the time. here is how tom cotton is going after senator pryor. >> he's voted with president obama 93% of the i'm. he rubber stamps barack obama's foreign policy of weakness and retreat. >> congresswoman, not to get specifically into arkansas, but isn't the president a real problem for these democratic
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senators? >> no, and chris, from that same fox news poll, americans indicated that they want democrats to maintain control of congress and democrats have a higher approval rating than republicans do in fox's own poll. >> but the president is in the 30s in all those states. >> the president isn't on the ballot here. republicans are desperate to put him on the ballot, because they are trying to run away from their own terrible record. chris, mitch mcconnell is trying to make this election about anything but his own record. he was willing to shut down the government last year, he's willing to do it again. that's what we -- >> first of all, the democrats are trying to walk a different balance. debbie has a tough job. what's happening here is the democrats that are running, number one, they don't want to be aligned with the president. obviously you can't be with the numbers in the tank as they are. but two, they also have to
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defend the fact that they have supported the president, 95% 96% of the time. the fact of the matter is we are winning everywhere, but it's not because of a great situation in our country. it's because things aren't going well, whether domestically or -- >> i know we could debate any one of these issues on and on. one of the democrats' best issue says women, and what they call the war on women by republicans. congresswoman, you have hit that issue hard. let's take a look. >> scott walker has given women the back of his hands -- i know that is stark, direct, but that is reality. >> you later said that was a bad choice of words, you're not backing away from the argument that democrats are helping women and republicans are launching a war on women? >> let's look at scott walker's record. this is a guy who signed the
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bile -- >> i know, but what's the bigger issue. >> forcing equal pay for equal work. he record is extremely important. this is the governor of reince's own state who promised famously he would create 250,000 jobs and politi-fact listed that as a broken promise. when it comes to important issuing for women, forcing equal pay for equal work, making sure you can make your own reproductive -- >> let me ask you about this. whether it is fair pay or some aspects of obamacare which help women or access to birth control, don't women have legitimate concerns? >> not if you look at the latest polls, if you look -- >> no, no, let him finish. >> let's look at that. >> barack obama is losing women in battleground states today. if you read the denver post and the union leader, their quote in
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new hampshire the democrats are clown clowning themselves in this issue when she had sew -- she had to come back and apologize, because then the next day "wall street journal" took debbie to task for her words and actually defended scott walker. the fact is this issue is backfiring on the democrats, and we're actually going to -- timplgts go ahead. >> i'm going to press on issue after issue. in the autopsy done by the -- >> reince is still alive. he did an autopsy after the 2012 defeat. >> where he said it wasn't the principles of the republican party, but they needed to speak more nicely to groups like women and african-americans, and just one second. just a couple weeks ago reince did another speech about republican principles, and continues to -- >> this is like a card trick -- >> i want to move on. >> -- race after race.
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the bottom line in race after race -- >> in any case -- guys, guys, ebola has become a big political issue as we saw in the debate in the iowa senate race this week. here you can take a look. republican state senator joni ernst with a slight lead over bruce braley. here is what they talked about in the debate. >> if that means travel bans and it protects the american people, we need to consider do that. if it means beefing up travel reinstructions, we need to do that. >> unfortunately our administrati administration, including congressman braley has been really reactive that is proactive. >> democrats say your company pass cut funding for -- >> fund for cdc has gone up over
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the last several years, the last person to infuse it with a lot more cash that this this president has been george w. bush. >> is ebola a fair political issue? >> i think we should try to refrain from making it a political issue, but i think the problem you have, that americans, like so many other issues that the president is touching now, have lost confidence in this president's ability to lead. this is a malaysian -- malaise in this country. when you appoint this next individual, klain, who is a lobbyist and political hack, to head up the ebola crisis in this country doesn't give americans any confidence and she's going to defend it now. sh when you have dinchts wait, wait. >> when you have senators like rand paul, who is a doctor who should know better, saying you can be three feet from someone
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who has ebola and actually get it, that's how republicans are politicizing it. >> wait a minute, you're politicizing it, too, you're talking about all the cuts, which inns didn'tly "the washington post" gave four pinocchi pinocchios, two, the biggest whopper. >> just to clarify, i have not said that. >> have the democrats said that. i was talking about you as chairman of the party. >> what i'm saying as chairwoman of this party is this is an issue that should not be politicized. >> do you believe there should be a travel ban? >> there are two cases. two cases too many. a protocol needed to be tightened which has been -- >> yes or no, should there be a travel ban? >> the president should listen to national public health experts, and i say we should not be rattles or sabres. we should be making sure that this is something we have to take seriously.
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>> by using a political hack for heading up the ebola crisis. >> by making sure we don't create hysteria. congress democrat woman wasserman schultz, and reince priebus, thank you for coming in. you should do it more often. this is a pretty good act. we bring in our panel next. for their take. synchrony financial partners with over two hundred thousand businesses, from fashion retailers to healthcare providers, from jewelers to sporting good stores, to help their customers get what they want and need. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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i appreciate senator roberts' service to our country. i appreciate his service in the marines. >> i would say that you are a very well dressed opponent. i admire your accumulation of wealth. >> one of the lighter moments in this heated campaign at a kansas senate debate when greg orman and pat roberts were asked to say something nice. i want to go back to the
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two-party chairman. you see the obama approval. these were all key states that the republicans are trying to flip. the obama approval between 32%, 39%, and all of the incumbent democratic senators voting with the president, at least 93% of the time. brit, that's got to be a big problem for these democrats? >> historically it absolutely is. that's just one of many factors that would tell you that things are lining up almost perfectly for the republicans this time. they could win six, eight seats, even more in the -- but the democrats are doing everything they can to turn out -- did that they used to support president obama. it was the best ever built, ever designed. if they're able to reply indicate that -- >> you heard reince priebus. >> i've heard him, and maybe he's right. we'll find out. remember, it took the democrats eight years to overtake the
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republicans, who had the best turn joufr operation back in '04, which contributed mightily to the reelection of george bush. whether they can catch up in two years, is a good question. there's a very good chance this election could be at least to a draw which would help the democrats. >> neera, if you're a voter and one of the two thirds of people, the 78% of people who don't like the president and you have a democratic incumbent who votes with the president 95% of the time, why should you vote to reelect him? >> mark begich is talking about being elected for six years rather than two years, so i think democrats have been dealing with this for the last year sore so. we have a democrat surging in georgia, this is a place where democrats didn't want to invest any money. they're putting millions in the
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air to defend a seat in georgia. obviously the fact that republicans are in this late date looking at a candidate hitting almost 50 in georgia is kind of a surprise. these are hard-fought races, governor races, florida, wisconsin, in which republicans are likely to get knocked out. we are tight on time in this question. you wanted round two on the issue of ebola. >> not that congresswoman shultz from florida has raised the issue, the university of minnesota center for infectious disease for research and policy has issued a report saying, quote, there is scientific evidence that the ooh bowla what is the president to be via infectious aerosol particles both at other near -- >> that's michael osterholm, we
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asked dr. fauci about that two weeks ago, and he said does it have the potential? but it doesn't do it right now. >> we're getting used to people declares scientific debates closed over and settled, they rarely are. >> back to politics. juan, what stands out for you about this election two weeks out? >> well, i think it goes back to what the brilliant mr. human said. there's no way. look, everything is set up for the republicans to do very well here. this game is being played in red states. that's why you put up those poll numbers. in these states, these are red states, and republicans -- >> but those are the states the republicans are trying to flip. >> so they should be wiping the table. remember '06, '08, especially '10. >> but we weren't sure there was
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going to be a wave before. >> back to the 1800s, second-term presidents, mitt terms do terribly. >> and talking about george will's overstatement of certitude, we don't know. >> we do know there's no way at this point three weeks out. i'm amazed the republicans have no agenda. they have yet to say what they stand for. third this election is really about women. the question is can you get blacks or hispanics to turn out, it's all about women's rights. >> george 40 seconds. >> it refers to the president by name or to the signature achievement, the chances are very good it's a republican ad, not a democratic ad. >> because they're in red states. >> in 2010, when the democrats were facing what they thought was a wipeout akin to 1994, the president said, don't worry, you've got me.
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it didn't work in 2010. >> i don't remember him saying that. >> the affordable 4e89d care act, just not an issue. that's -- what's going on here? it's a great year for the democrats. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. up next or power player of the week, the man who keeps americans' clock ticking on time. all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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time is a big deal in
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television news. this show starts on time and it ends on time. but what does that really mean? here is our "power player of the week." >> i wouldn't say i'm obsessed about time, but i think about time all the time. demetrios matsakis is talking about his jab tess times service department. >> we provide official time for gps, which goes through much of the world. >> it's not an exaggeration to say you are the timekeeper? >> yes, we are the timekeeper. >> and keeping time, precise time is important. for the financial system, for the internet, for the pentagon. the department has more than 100 atomic clocks, and there are three different types. one measures the oscillation of cesium atoms. how much does a cesium atom
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oscillate in. >> 9,2,631,770 times. that is the definition of a second. >> dr. matsakis took us to see an atomic fountain. >> we use lasers to freeze atoms about a millionths of a degree and then launch them. >> >> all that information is then fed here. >> this is the nation's master clock. >> this is the national clock for the department of defense. >> next door the time transfer room sends the time out to the nation and the world. even that phone number you call to get the time. >> it is tone eastern daylight time 15 house 50 minutes exactly. [ beep ] >> he headed the department for 16 years. he is now the chief scientist.
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he says the job comes with a certain amount of, well, time pressure. >> there have been three times in my tenure when the master clock itself has broken, always when i've been on an airplane. when people leave working for a time service, it doesn't take long, maybe a week or two, when they realize they're not -- anymore. all this taupe about time got me thinking. i've got 3:15, what do you got? >> i don't wear a watch. >> pardon? >> i don't wear a watch. he explains, he doesn't want the measurement of time, especially with something as imprecise as a watch. it's the pursuit of the absolute truth that drives him. >> beauty. there's a tremendous beauty to it. what's beautiful is an explanation of how things are
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happens, an explanation of what's going on. what's beautiful is doing the job right. that's all beautiful. that's the only way i know how to put it. he says hi atomic fountain clocks are so accurate, that taken together they won't lose or gain a full second in 300 million years, but he says they're working on a new master clock that will be even more accurate sdplooismt that's it for today. have a great week. we'll see you next "fox news sunday."
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discover the champion in you! . . (applause) well, god bless you. it's always a joy to come into your homes. if you're ever in our area please stop by and be a part of one of our services. i promise you we'll make you feel right at home. but thanks so much for tuning in. thank you again for coming out today. i like to start with something funny. this was sent to me from an attorney. i heard about these two men - the pope and a lawyer. they died on the same day. saint peter met them at the pearly gates and said, "follow me, men. i'll take you to your homes." peter first dropped the pope off at this small wood framed house, just one bed and one desk. he then took the lawyer to this magnificent house. it was huge.