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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  May 11, 2024 11:02pm-11:36pm PDT

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up in placer county, and this is all the beautiful results of a phenomenon known as a solar storm. tonight, people across the bay area have their phones out and pointed up nbc bay area marianne favro spoke with an astronomer and amateur stargazers hoping to see something out of this world and tonight, bay area sky gazers are hoping for an encore performance of this from placer county to danville to mount hamilton, vibrant colors filled the sky friday night. known as northern lights or the aurora borealis, they were visible throughout the bay area, and tonight these images are inspiring people who missed it to try to catch a possible second show. some moments are just so much better when you're in the moment compared to seeing like a video of it afterwards. it's like it kind of doesn't compare, especially with stuff like this. it's a lot better to just engage the moment when you can. astronomer gerald mckeegan says,
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the last time we saw a show like this was 20 years ago, so why is it happening? ionize material enters the atmosphere at the poles where it interacts with the oxygen in our atmosphere, creating all of these bright colors. and while he says tonight's show may not be as colorful, it's worth trying to catch a glimpse using your camera just find a spot away from city lights and point north . but these vibrant colors may also have a dark side. it's kind of disrupting the earth's magnetic field, and that can cause all kinds of problems with radio communications with gps, it can cause problems like power failures. starlink, the satellite arm of elon musk's spacex, warned of degraded service because of the geomagnetic storm. but that isn't stopping people from trying to catch a glimpse of this light show tonight. getting a chance to see it in the santa
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clara valley is, you know, almost as as rare as snow mary ann favro nbc, bay area news. wow, beautiful. we can't get enough. here's another view taken by a viewer at a beach in mendocino county. you can see the purple, the yellow, the green skies above the ocean there. we're going to have more for you on the solar storm in about 15 minutes. new at 11 a dramatic rescue in contra costad from the water happened just before five on bethel island. police got a call about a five year-old missing in the water off the back of a home. firefighters say rescue crews pulled that child from the water about 15 minutes later. paramedics performed cpr, rushed . the child to the hospital. no word on how that child is doing. it's also unclear how long the child was in the water. firefighters say as the weather gets warmer, it's important to
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always keep an eye on children who are in or near water. well, a san francisco community is rallying around one of their neighbors after he was targeted in two racist incidents. people gathered at alamo square today to show terry williams they support him and his family. the lifelong alamo square resident and well-known dog walker received a package last month, and inside, a doll in a noose and a message with vile racial slurs telling him to leave soon after the family was targeted again. williams is shaken and neighbors are outraged. when this happened, i was horrified and i think it's incredibly special to know that there are so many other people out there that recognize that this is not okay, and we don't stand for it. i think this is amazing. you know, this incident is so ugly and at the same time, look at what it brings out. it brings out love. so that's a beautiful thing. police are investigating. in the meantime, neighbors are raising funds to get williams a better security system and provide more cameras in that neighborhood. and tomorrow afternoon, glide memorial church will be packed. to celebrate the
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life and legacy of the late reverend cecil williams, the longtime leader of san francisco's glide memorial church, died last month at the age of 94. he was known as a champion of racial equality, lgbtq rights and the poor. reverend amos brown is among those speaking at tomorrow's public memorial. brown and williams had a friendship spanning nearly 50 years, he says. what williams built at glide will last far beyond his remarkable lifetime. that church was about being concerned and about justice and opportunity and food, clothes and housing for the others who have been marginalized, brown added. vice president kamala harris sent him a letter that he has been tasked to read at the memorial. the celebration of life for the reverend is happening at 1:00 tomorrow at glide memorial church on ellis street, and we
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will also be streaming it live on our website, com and our other streaming platforms. a celebration turned protests. student demonstrators used today's graduation ceremony at uc berkeley to speak out about the ongoing war between israel and hamas. and i don't mean adding an 8 a.m. to your schedule. we are truly drum majors for social. all right, come on now. yeah. this is video from the university's live feed of the ceremony. you heard those. you heard those pro-palestinian. protesters chanting in the background as student body president sydney roberts started giving her speech, a member of the administration steps in, telling the protesters they're being heard, but asking them to give the student body president respect while she speaks now. video shared on social media shows some of the protests up close. you can see some students chanting from the stands, while
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others walk into the stadium, the university says protesters left the stadium voluntarily with no arrests made. in her speech, roberts briefly addressed the university's long history with student protests. thank you sunny. this wouldn't be berkeley without a protest. so i get it. uc berkeley released a statement about the demonstrations that said, in part, while today's commencement was at times unfortunately disrupted, it did not prevent us from honoring the hard work and accomplishments of our students. well as the war in the middle east rages on, people in san francisco gathered to mark two years since a well-known palestinian american journalist was killed while reporting in the west bank. they also mourned the journalist killed in gaza. since the israel-hamas war began. nbc bay area's alyssa goard was there as demonstrators called for protections for press freedom and an end to the attacks on gaza. three abu aqleh several hundred people joined for a memorial at san francisco's embarcadero. they're remembering shireen abu akleh, a well-known palestinian, an
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american reporter for al jazeera who was shot and killed two years ago while reporting in the occupied west bank. she was covering a israeli military incursion into the jenin refugee camp. they shot her in these few inches between her press jacket and her vest, wearing a clearly marked press vest and a helmet. israel ultimately admitted one of its soldiers likely fired that shot accidentally. you don't accidentally shoot someone in the two inches with a that's a sniper shot, and it's an intentional one. abu aqlehs family, including her cousin who lives in berkeley, say there has not been justice or accountability for her death. her cousin says she's not surprised to see the number of journalists who have been killed in gaza since october 7th. at the end of the day, it's a green light, including to the targeting of journalists. according to the committee to protect journalists, at least 97 journalists have been confirmed dead in gaza. the majority of those killed palestinians. this
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is the deadliest conflict for journalists in modern history, dena takruri says abu alec was her friend and colleague. she says her al jazeera colleagues and their families have continued to be targeted in the west bank and in gaza. this month, israel ordered al jazeera to shut down operations there, a threat to press freedom in one place is a threat to press freedom everywhere, with israel effectively barring foreign journalists in gaza, those with loved ones there have relied on social media accounts of people on the ground. everybody is now have having access to the stories that are coming out of gaza raw, unfiltered, directly from the people that are suffering, that are paying the huge, huge price. san francisco resident jumana says her cousin was only able to escape gaza a few weeks ago and is now unrecognizable due to starvation. she and others here are urging for more from the international community, including to protect those
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capturing the stories of gaza journalists cannot be targeted. they should be protected under international law. we want to be able to live in peace like any other nation in san francisco. alyssa goard, nbc, bay area news. in san jose, city and county leaders gathered for the annual raising of the palestinian culture and heritage flag. community members share this video with us. the event honors the palestinian community and their contributions to the south bay. speakers included a doctor who just returned from a five week medical mission in gaza, and county supervisor otto lee, who called for humanitarian aid in the war torn region. we're back in 60s. a tragic crash in southern california. what we know after a tesla full of teenagers slammed into a building, plus a huge show of support for a south bay animal shelter, the star power that showed up in the record breaking amount they helped fundraise tonight. and aurora viewing chances not so good right now in san francisco, you've got low clouds and drizzle. some of that
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drizzle, by the way, could spread across the bay area heading into tomorrow morning. look at some coole
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into the face of a building. it happened early this morning in pasadena. three people were ejected from the car and died. the other three survived with injuries. the victims were all between 17 and 22 years old. at least two were high school students. investigators say the driver ran a red light at a high rate of speed and then lost control. oakland's annual art and soul festival is off, at least for this year. organizers
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made that announcement on social media. they say they were forced to cancel the 22nd annual event because of a delay in funding from the city. the event was going to be held this fall, but the group says it won't return until next year, and that's only if they can collect enough money by then. we reached out to the city and the city council members for comment, but have not heard back. well, a big honor for beloved former national park ranger today, cal state east bay conferred an honorary doctorate of humane letters to betty reid, soskin. the 102 year old has led a most remarkable life. soskin graduated from oakland high school and worked as a file clerk at the richmond shipyards during world war two. after she became active in the civil rights movement. but she is perhaps best known for her work as a u.s. park ranger at the rosie the riveter world war two home front national historical park that's in richmond. two years ago, she finally retired at the age of 100. it is a great
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privilege to have an opportunity to recognize and honor the excellence and extraordinary achievement of individuals in significant areas of human endeavor within which are embodied the objectives and the ideals of the california state university. such a person is here with us today. she is right there. soskin received her award to the wild screams of graduates who gave her a standing ovation. all right, well, we just can't get enough of this doctor. sushant mahajan from the stanford solar group took these pictures last night. he says he has seen the northern lights before, but that was from montana, not the bay area he drove his three year old daughter up to mount hamilton to catch a glimpse, and says the experience was, as we can see, amazing. people kind of forget that we are a part of a huge galaxy of 100 billion stars, which you can see with your
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naked eye if you're outside the influence of city lights, which is the milky way, and we were reminded of that yesterday night . doctor mahajan says there's the chance we could see this in the bay area again. but this kind of performance is going to be at least 11 years away. it all depends on the strength of the geomagnetic storm that creates the lights. okay, so there were more views as well. these are from rob mayeda pictures in danville. you can see the blue purple lights hovering above those houses. pretty wild. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. yeah, when i'm saying seeing that was a ten second exposure through an iphone. so that gives you an idea of what you have to do to gather up more light than what your eyes can see, because the light pollution really does ruin it for your eyes. if you're in an area with street lights like that, but the phone can kind of compensate and see some of that tonight, there is a chance we could see a few more aurora sightings, mainly up towards the north bay, but the weather might get in the way. we've got low
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clouds and drizzle moving into the sunday morning forecast. first, let's look at the state of where the aurora is right now. far northern california. a few views at times within the last hour. now here is the forecast. overnight conditions are expected to ramp up again as we head into sunday. but the issue here is when we get back to g4 or maybe g5. that might be happening during the morning hours tomorrow. this is where we are right now compared to where we were this time last night. at the extreme end of the scale, a g5. that's what brought those aurora views all the way down into southern california. so not starting off the same way tonight, but it may pick up before sunrise. however, the weather may block those views around the central bay. you can see how the low clouds try to fill in as we head towards sunrise tomorrow. in fact, low clouds that could be all the way inland through the east bay valleys, down into san jose, morgan hill and hollister. those are good locations to watch the aurora last night, but as we head towards tomorrow morning, those low clouds will likely start to fill in. right now, 63
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in san jose. a bit cooler than this time at 11:00 last night. that trend will continue for your sunday forecast as well. there you see the low clouds over sfo 56 degrees and drizzle around san francisco. not going to see any aurora views through that. karl the fog and drizzle setting up there heading into your sunday morning and there you see the onshore wind leading to the cooling which will once again start us off with those low clouds for the morning. clearing skies for the afternoon, and a pretty pleasant sunday forecast, waking up to the low clouds and some drizzle at times, but then clearing inland temperatures by lunchtime for mother's day tomorrow. looking great. we got numbers in the upper 70s to low 80s, nice and comfortable, 60s to low 70s around oakland and moving forward temperatures are about to rebound again. not much change on monday, but watch those inland east bay temperatures tuesday and wednesday back into those upper 80s and low 90s midweek as high pressure builds in peek strength likely to be wednesday and thursday. if you do have travel
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plans for the sierra, there's a chance we may begin to see a few isolated thunderstorms. that's typical for this time of year with the daytime heating, but no rain in the forecast here around the bay area. and other than the drizzle, at least a mostly dry weekend, most of that drizzle along the inner bay and coastline for the morning hours. san francisco closer to 70 by midweek and numbers climbing into the mid 80s and upper 80s by tuesday and wednesday. and i should also point out the chance of these geomagnetic storms could continue into sunday night and monday morning. so we may have three nights of this with potential aurora viewing around the bay area. watch that closely. so cool. thanks, rob. okay, people and pups packed a papal park tonight for a good cause. the 20th annual fur ball. it's humane society of silicon valley's annual gala and more than 600 people and 100 dogs. they were there. look at them. tonight was all about celebrating a longtime supporter , judy marcus, and raising money to support the humane society's work to clear the shelters. now,
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this will help the work that we do to go out and provide veterinary care for animals with families who wouldn't otherwise have access to it, keeping those families together and keeping pets in homes where they're already loved is it's a win win. it's great for the pet, it's great for the family. and then it also lets us focus on another homeless animal to find, find a place for them and recognize that woman. kira klapper tonight's emcee. and you might also recognize the other woman on stage. that was stanford's tara vanderveer. hall of famer jerry rice. also there that star power helping hsv reach its goal of raising 1.6 million just tonight. but get this they surpassed it, raising 2.1 million. woo way to go. nicely done anthony flores joining us now he's got something that was nicely done tonight for once it's been a while. the giants were averaging just three runs before over their last 15 games. but tonight terry was happy. why. because they scored more than that in the first inning. while matt chapman sparked a
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team to a much needed victory. stick around. s
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score four runs in the first inning. the orange and black at oracle park taking on the reds. bottom one with the sax packed matt chapman with the denny's special. it's a grand slam four nothing san francisco now the giants used six pitchers. they gave up a total of just one earned run. they also played some great defense. the giants beat the reds 5 to 1, sparked, of course, by that big first inning. you know, we got a few sparks today. certainly the home run in the first. but then all the defense and those can be momentum swings just as much as offensively. we're grinding a little bit. you know playing our best baseball. so to be able to jump out early like that was huge. and you know i think that you know we can build off a game like today. and you know we
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obviously have a lot of work to do still. but it feels good for sure. the a's in the pacific northwest to take on seattle. it was a one run game in the eighth until they blow it open. bases loaded. max shuman doubles to the corner in left. all three runners come on down. they score . oakland goes up five two. they would score three more runs in the ninth, highlighted by a two run shot from jj bleday. the a's beat the mariners by the final of 8 to 1 on this left hand side for vito costa, liz espinosa and espinosa. the oh yeah! christian espinosa scores the game winning goal in the 66th minute at colorado. now the quakes erase a two goal deficit by scoring three straight for their first road win of the season. the quakes beat the rapids 3 to 2. bay fc goes on the road to orlando, but they fall short. they lose one nil. more news
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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not only is flavor flav financially backing the entire team as they head to the paris olympics, the founding member of public enemy says he is finalizing a deal to make him an official usa water polo sponsor. and we all love saying flavor flavor flav. thas fornk
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and now a special mother's day message from the cast of snl. >> good evening, everybody. i am here tonight with my mommy, ann. because, as you know, it is mother's day in about 29 minutes. >> so still plenty of time to buy a gift. >> i told you, mom, my children are my gift to you. >> so me baby sitting them is my gift? how generous. >> anyway, with so many upsetting stories in the world right now, we thought we would take a break from a regular cold
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open and hear some heart-warming stories from our moms instead. >> really? that's too bad. i was excited to see who was going to play stormy daniels. >> all right. come on. >> mom, i love you, and i'm so grateful for everything you've done for me. >> well, thanks, andrew. i brought photos. >> you what? >> here's one of andrew in the bathtub when he was 3. and i also brought one of andrew in the bathtub when he was 23. >> all right, mom. thanks for coming. >> it's a tasteful nude. >> mom, i'm so excited you're here tonight. >> me too, chloe. can you believe it? i'm at the roast of tom brady. >> no, no. mom, that was on sunday. >> can i still do my joke? >> i guess. >> tom brady's marriage finished so quickly, i thought it was your dad. >> mom! oh, my god! >> hey, guys. this is my mom, mary. >> hey, everyone.
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>> my mom is more than just a mom. she's like a supermom. >> and you're like a super daughter. because you're sweet, you're funny, and you're stronger than any man i've ever met. >> that's right. >> whoo! >> i'm so proud of you, honey. >> aw, thanks, mom. is there anything special you want for mother's day? >> you know, you've already given me the greatest gift of all, that beavis and butt-head sketch, everyone knows me as butt-head's mom. >> butt-head's mom, yeah, nice. >> i'm so happy you're here, mom. >> aw, i love watching you on the show, honey. it's the best part of my sunday. >> wait. you watch the show on sunday? >> doesn't everybody watch it on sunday? i mean, saturdays i'm in the club. >> well, mom, you always asked what it's like to wear a bald cap on the show.
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>> now i know. it's hot, it's itchy, and it's going to make this our dumbest christmas card photo ever. >> this is my mom. everything i do, all my work here, i do it for her. >> except the stuff that bombs. >> right. except the stuff that bombs. those ones i do for my dad. >> i mean, can you believe we're on snl together, mom? >> i knew you would be great on the show from all the funny home videos you used to make. look. >> i love corn. mm, corn. >> mom, that wasn't me. >> i know. but it's funny. >> hey, mom. are you excited to be here? >> of course i am. and i love all the incredible impressions you do. >> oh, thanks, mom. >> want to see me do an impression? >> sure. >> in third grade you lost your game boy, and this is what you
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did. wah. >> mom, i'm so happy you're here, mama. >> i can't believe it, marcello. you grew up so fast, but not so high. >> thanks. >> and can i just say something? >> sure, yeah. >> all the male cast members have been so nice to me. >> oh, wow. >> michael che even gave me flowers. >> wow. >> but the note was just a phone number. >> okay. my mom, everybody. thank you. >> and are you excited to be here too, mom? >> oh, so excited. i need to find lorne and say thank you. without him, where would you be? a doctor at a hospital? thanks a lot, lorne. >> mom, can you believe i'm on "saturday night live"? >> honestly, no. i always hoped you would be on
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jack ass. but this is your week to shine. >> what do you mean? >> rfk jr. said they found a worm in his brain. you could be the worm. >> oh, thanks, mom. >> and we're only sort of in the cast, so they would only let us invite our dads. >> dad, you're not supposed to smoke in here. >> will you just relax? it's just crack. >> well, mom, we're last. because we ran out of time and we had to cut colin and his mom and matching hair cuts. >> wait a minute. if i don't have a line, i don't get paid. >> well, how do you think i feel? i mean, i spent days growing this out. >> well, mom, do you have an uplifting message from the moms to leave on? >> i do. we are from all over the country, but we have one thing in common.
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