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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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bay area for the president, as he spent the afternoon with donors and traveled through a few pockets of unhappy protesters. as nbc bay area's robert honda joins us from moffett field in mountain view, where the president boarded air force one and is now headed out. robert well, that's right. you know, joe biden is the president. so obviously every trip is a presidential trip. but this was about joe biden, the candidate with no public events and two lucrative fundraisers. president biden arrived in the bay area last night and hit the campaign fundraising trail, running today. in fact, all the video provided by the traveling press corps basically showed the presidential motorcade on the move first to portola valley for a high dollar fundraiser at the home of tech billionaire vinod khosla. tickets for that event ranged from 6600 to $100,000, and we're told about 80 people in attendance for the president's 16 minute stump speech. pool reports show. the
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speech focused on the president's record and some very sharp barbs at former president trump, a cluster of supporters also gathered outside to try to get a glimpse. it's an honor to see a sitting president and i'm very happy with what biden's doing, brie free palestine. but supporters were soon joined by protester as a coalition of pro-palestinian groups and individuals gathered to try and get the president and donors attention as they drove by. biden cannot come into town scooping up big bucks from billionaires and not be held accountable for his role in the genocide of palestinians. at this time, he continues to go about his day, worried about his election in november, not looking towards what the masses actually want him to do and how we could actually get votes by listening to the individuals who will actually vote for him in november, despite tight control by the secret service and law enforcement. protesters tried to partially block the road as the
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motorcade left, but the cars never slowed down. the motorcade proceeded to palo alto and the home of former yahoo and google executive marissa mayer for another fundraiser. tickets for that event ran from 40,000 to $50,000 a piece. pro-palestinian demonstrators showed up outside this event as well, with some trying to impede the motorcade as it left. but again never managed to slow the president down. minutes later, the president was back at moffett field preparing to fly to seattle, but not before stopping to pose with chp officers who helped him stay on schedule. some people we talked to outside the two bay area locations were nonchalant about this presidential visit. i think it's inevitable. inevitable in what way? that that he wouldn't leave. such a, pocket of wealth untapped that. the president did not leave the bay area untapped.
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it is, after all, historically a major source of campaign money. again, he is now headed to seattle for more campaign receptions live at moffett field . robert honda, nbc, bay area news. okay. thank you, robert. and as he just showed us, protesters did make their voices heard at both president biden's events today. the demonstrators, as you heard, are calling for a cease fire and for the u.s. also to pull funds from israel. tensions are around the world escalating as negotiations for a cease fire continue to stumble. as for that deal, it is best that's how one negotiator described the cease fire talks. now on pause. this comes after israel entered rafah in southern gaza. israel says it must root out hamas militants in what it calls their last stronghold, whether or not the u.s. keeps providing weapons. nbc's alice barr is tracking these developments from the nation's capital. the biden administration tonight acknowledging it's reasonable to assess that israel has used u.s.
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provided weapons to inflict more civilian casualties in gaza than is widely considered acceptable. but the new state department report stopped short of determining that israel has violated international humanitarian law or u.s. weapons agreements, noting the department hasn't verified specific incidents that would justify withholding military aid. it comes as israeli troops have stepped up their attacks in gaza's crowded southern city of rafah, setting up a key test of president biden's warning that out of concern for civilians, the u.s. would not supply certain weapons if israel launched a full scale assault on rafah. a defiant prime minister benjamin netanyahu, saying israel will stand alone if it has to. telling talk show host doctor phil mcgraw, we will do what we have to do to protect our country, and that means to protect our future. and that means that we will defeat hamas, including in rafah. we have no
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other choice. israel's determination to press into rafah, a key factor breaking up cease fire talks, according to a source familiar with negotiations to pause the fighting and free hostages now themselves, paused despite hopes momentum was building toward a deal. and as anger builds among republican lawmakers who approved israel funding, he needs to do what congress decided. the white house insists it's meeting its obligations to congress, two u.s. officials tell nbc news the administration has continued to send israel defensive and offensive weapons, like small arms, since halting a shipment of bombs last week to the united nations general assembly. overwhelmingly passed a resolution today reviving the palestinian authority's bid for un membership. this is not the final step here, but israel's ambassador shredded a copy of the un charter in protest. the u.s. voted against the
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resolution, saying a long sought two state solution will only come through direct negotiations in washington. alice barr, nbc news. and we have full coverage of president biden's bay area visit on our website. you can read more about his stops while here, as well as see video of him landing and taking off. just go to and click his name on the trending bar. while the president certainly saw some nice warm weather while he was here, let's take you outside, show you what it looks like. lots of sunny skies that are leading to rising temperatures. this is what it looks like in san francisco, san jose, walnut creek. the question is, what's it going to be like this weekend, especially on mother's day? let's bring in chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. okay. you are literally in the hot seat. yes we are, and we're going to be able to deliver on that forecast as we head through saturday and sunday. let's take a quick look at today. we all know was warm out there. but look at these official temperatures. now 90 and concord. that was one of the warmest way way above the average of 7678 san francisco
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88, livermore 87. here in san jose, we're going to stay on the toasty side for tomorrow. we'll have 60s to start here through a lot of the inland valleys, sunny skies back up to the upper 80s through the afternoon. with that sunshine. but what about mother's day? check this out. it will be a split picture here for us at the coastline. it's going to remain cool and we have fog here to start. looks like the fog will make a stronger return by sunday morning and will be in the 50s to 60s at the coastline through the inland valleys. we'll also see some morning clouds returning, but then we'll get that midday afternoon sunshine temperatures in the low to mid 80s. so beautiful weather as well. here on mother's day we'll talk more about this area. high pressure bringing the warmest stretch of weather all year long and look at this. only five weekends of back to back sunshine in 2024. so we're going to be adding to that. we'll let you know how long this trend lasts. coming up in about 15 minutes okay. see you then. thank you jeff. and you can stay on top of the weather this
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weekend, including an hour by hour. look at how warm it's going to be on mother's day so you can keep those mimosas nice and cool. all you have to do is download our nbc brie app, point your smartphone at the qr code on the screen. it's going to take you right to our free app. a big blow this evening for a well known and much loved east bay chef. burglars broke into his oakland restaurant twice in one night. it comes as his business is celebrating its 10th anniversary. but now, for the first time, he's thinking about moving his restaurant somewhere else. nbc bay area's jodi hernandez has more from oakland. i'm just angry. i'm deflated. i'm tired, it's just so heartbreaking to see that. that's how chef nelson hedemann is feeling after his decade old oakland restaurant, alhambra was hit by burglars overnight, two men broke into his grand avenue restaurant at 4 a.m. surveillance video shows the men raiding the restaurant's bar, filling up a trash can with bottles of pricey liquor and dragging it away. it burns you
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inside when you see things like that to wake up to your place. being violated and take advantage of is truly devastating. reporter. then two hours later, the thieves returned and helping themselves to a second round. you guys this weekend this has to be successful weekend or else we're not coming back. the double whammy prompted herman to share his feelings on instagram. he says he's never felt so down. he's always loved oakland, but when things like this happen and the way businesses are going, there's always a thought of like, should we go somewhere else? should we go to another city to do better that's safer, and this and that. tonight the community is coming together to show their support. customers and fellow restaurant owners have been flooding in. they provide a safe place for people to come and have a good time, enjoy good food, and i just i don't want to see them and other businesses like them, like, you know, kind of disappear. this is
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a passion for us. this is who we are. and so we're continuing to fight. chef paul iglesias owns a restaurant down the street. his place was burglarized by what he believes are the same two thieves on friday. it's very disheartening that these things are continuing to happen in such a vibrant community. reporter tonight, herman is pouring his energy into the craft he loves, hoping to heal. i'm just going to cook and, you know, make people happy that way. it's on my story to really lift myself up. he's grateful for the community's love and hopes to keep the west coast only dominican restaurant rooted in oakland. in the east bay. jodi hernandez, nbc, bay area news. just ahead, california has a budget deficit of nearly $30 billion. that's with a b how governor newsom plans on dealing with that shortfall coming up next. also, a beloved south bay water park has a new name after getting a new operator. what raging waters will now be called and when it could reopen and
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baseball returns right here on nbc bay area tonight at 7:00. they're already getting in some practice out there on the field. 73 right now. 60s through that first pitch. we're back
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in fremont. it broke out around 1215 on millmont drive. that's east of i-80. now, firefighters rushed to put it out, but then it took them about an hour and a half to get control of it. this morning they were back monitoring the warehouse for hot spots. luckily, no one was hurt and they're still trying to figure out what caused that fire in the red. california is facing a $27 billion budget deficit. and today the governor released his plan for trying to deal with it. spoiler alert it is brutal. and the governor warns painful cuts are ahead. our business and tech reporter scott budman got the latest answers this afternoon. he's here to break those numbers down. scott and janelle. for the second year in a row, california is facing a multi-billion dollar shortfall and that, according to the governor, will lead to the loss
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of both money that was going towards programs and jobs that were going to be filled. the legislature, governor newsom says california is now facing a budget shortfall of $27.6 billion, a deficit deep enough that newsom says the state must eliminate programs and jobs that were supposed to be filled. none of this is kind of work. you enjoy doing, but you got to do it. we have to be responsible. we have to be accountable. speaking with a split screen showing how far some state revenues have dropped recently, newsom spoke of 10,000 vacant jobs that will go unfilled and how artificial intelligence may be used to streamline certain operations. just yesterday with generative ai, that is not a job killer. in fact, that's explicit in our executive order as it relates to artificial intelligence. but some of the new programing we're doing in partnership with anthropic and google and others, and open ai as it relates to traffic
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management, reaction to the proposed cuts has been swift. there are, for example, 27,000 additional child care spaces that will not be funded because of the governor's proposals. diane ana says the cuts are likely to hit state child care programs as well. that's a lot of money. that's a lot of money that can be going to families so that they could receive child care for their kids, which then would allow them to go to work. now, newsom says looking ahead, he expects to see a slightly larger $28 billion deficit for california next year. cuts are also expected to hit state housing programs, broadband programs and school scholarship programs, just to name a few. jessica. okay, thank you scott. wall street going strong, but consumers are in a slump. the findings come from a new survey by the university of michigan. it finds people are concerned about what the next year is going to bring. many expect that inflation, which we were just talking about, unemployment and interest rates, are going to get worse. researchers say consumer
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sentiment is the lowest it's been in six months. now. economists are trying to figure out exactly why the stock market is seeing gains and gas prices are slightly lower. but this does come after the federal reserve last week decided to hold interest rates steady again. now over on wall street, the week wrapped up with a high note. the dow jones saw gains today rising about 125 points, tacking on yet another day to what's now been an eight day winning streak. s&p 500 also climbed, but the nasdaq did slip a bit despite the new data on that wilting consumer confidence raging waters in san jose is now called kali bunga, not cowabunga kali as in california. yeah, surf's up at the south bay water park at the end of summer last year, raging waters made that surprise announcement it was not renewing the lease and closing for good because of low turnout. then, this past february, san jose mayor matt mahan said the park will reopen under new management. and today he announced that new name kali bunga and will have an opening ceremony sometime after memorial
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day weekend. no exact date has been released yet, but yes, it will be back open this summer. i'm so excited! this. i love this water park weather. yeah we are. we are really kind of hitting the our stride. yeah man. i'm like a big kid. sometime i see those water slides. i'm like so fun. i could do that. yeah it's so much fun. i just went last summer. i'm going back this summer. the calabanga. yes, a kali bunga. our weather forecast this weekend is going to be really, really nice here through saturday and sunday. we'll see a few changes on sundays forecast, but we are coming in with some just gorgeous weather. let's take it outside right now. if you're doing anything this evening in san francisco. still holding on to some low 70s in downtown town and right through the mission, we got a little bit of cloud cover near the coastline. we'll drop it off into some 60s for tonight, but overall mostly clear through the next couple of hours. and look at the temperatures near the bay. we are holding on to 79 degrees right now. sunny skies.
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you got 70s into 7:00 and then we'll see some 60s later on tonight. and for the inland valleys after some 90s today. right now we're at 89. just incredible weather. maybe to pick your favorite restaurant, eat outside with the sunny skies. we're going to hang on to 80 right through 7 p.m, and then we'll drop it down to some 70s later on tonight. but really, overall, a mild evening for us. okay, the other thing you might be hearing about, we started talking about it yesterday when we got the alert is a solar storm that's going to be happening this evening. now what we have happening is the space prediction center has issued a very rare alert here, a geomagnetic storm watch in north america. so here's the deal. midnight to 4 a.m. we could see some of this solar storm action. so basically, you've got these storms on the surface of the sun and some of that energy could make it towards earth's atmosphere. that's what creates the beautiful aurora borealis. now, we don't think we're going
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to see colors as strong as this. but there is the possibility tonight, midnight into 4 a.m. through the overnight hours as well. we could see a little bit here in northern california. best bet would be near the california oregon border, but we still could see a few colors in the bay area. sky on and off activity this weekend. and here's the other thing. may cause gps and power grid issues because it looks like such a strong geomagnetic storm. so we're going to continue to cover this. and again, just look up and maybe we'll be able to see something pretty exciting on that front as we head through our forecast here for tomorrow. high pressure keeps it warm. we've got some patchy fog at the coastline, and the one thing that's going to be different about tomorrow as you compare it into mother's day on sunday, is that area of high pressure is going to start to move more off to the east now. it's still going to stay warm, but this system off the coastline will bring in some fog, and it looks to be a little bit stronger here on sunday morning. and that also help to drop temperatures a little bit for sunday. so we're going to start it off here with
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some fog at the coastline. chance of maybe some drizzle for some of the beaches. and then we have that sun right there as we head through the afternoon morning temperatures mostly clear and down into the 50s across the bay area. that will put us to 55 here in the east bay and some low 50s in the north bay. look at these temperatures another day. we're in the 80s across the south bay 88 here in san jose over two contra costa, alameda county's 83. in vallejo, 88 in pleasanton, 78. oakland have yet 80 in san mateo, 64. half moon bay, san francisco 74 in the mission and right here in sonoma, 87 on the 7-day forecast. look at this. we're down to 68 on sunday in sf, but that's still great weather to head out to your favorite spot for brunch with mom. and we're down to 84 on san sunday 80s all the way through next week. so as as i said earlier, make the mimosa of it on sunday and have a great time. well, cheers to that. between you and the kelly bunga, we've got puns left and right. we got him. we got him.
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thanks. thanks, jeff. well, coming up, an american company getting a shot in the arm. literally after it reached a deal to expand its covid vaccine. the grand plan that could help u find youryo
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the coronavirus and the flu. today, struggling drugmaker novavax announced a multi-billion dollar deal with french drugmaker sanofi. under that deal, both companies will now share their vaccine technology. they say it will allow them to commercialize and produce new vaccines at a faster pace. the deal also allows novavax to continue production of its protein based covid shot. health officials view the shot
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as a valuable alternative for people who don't want to use the pfizer or moderna vaccine. target stores are making plans for pride month, and this year it will look a little different. you may remember last year, target faced backlash for its pride month collection. it sold home food and beverage items with a pride theme as well as clothing for adults and children. some shoppers were upset that target included children's clothing in the collection, and some of them boycotted the store. target says this year it will only carry pride themed merchandise at some stores this spring, and it won't include any children's items in the collection. sam altman is now chairman of a public company and it is not open. i, the company is called oklo. it's a nuclear power company. altman helped take it public. today, company aims to create mini nuclear reactors to be sold to big tech companies. altman says it's one of the best ways to solve the problem of growing demand for ai, and that nuclear energy can power the technology
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without relying on fossil fuels. microsoft co-founder bill gates and amazon founder jeff bezos have also invested in nuclear plants in recent years. okay, it's not janelle or jessica. we're going to tell you the most polar baby names ofpu
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baby names for 2023. that's according to a new list from the social security administration. liam and olivia were the top names for boys and girls last year. i have one of those. both names have been at the top for years. liam is now in its seventh year at number one, and olivia has been the top pick since 2019. all right, check out the top three. both boys and girls names for boys. noah came in second, followed by oliver for the girls. emma took the second spot, followed by charlotte from 1981 to 1999, jessica was the number one name, but it's fallen out of favor. janelle has never made the list. oh, i love all these names. don't forget you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. raj mathai joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. i haven't seen raj on the list. i don't think raj has ever made the list. janelle have not made the list
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in india. rogers made the list. okay, well, it's the top of the list. we'll get that list next time. we'll get it then. we are wrapping up a busy week here. as we head into mother's day weekend. we investigate why bart spent millions of dollars to buy new lights as a safety upgrade, but still hasn't installed those lights. also, the oakland police department has a dozen new officers after its graduation ceremony today. why? it's still in need of much more in its effort to crack down on crime. and former president trump's hush money trial continues, what was at the center of testimony today? and the star witness that is about to take the stand next. welcome back. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. a lot of headaches for a lot of people. bart though, is back on track after a major service disruption . it all started at around 5 a.m. between the richmond station and oakland's macarthur station. bart said there


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