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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 28, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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everything you wanted to know about connections and history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izeslav is associated with the emergence of one of the most famous ancient cities in belarus. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given into the possession of ragnedi and yaceslav. what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes.
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was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important shrine of the monastery is her relics. we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating of the world of science. i remember when a person described the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer for ten pages. diseases, this can simply have catastrophic consequences, it’s clear why. let's share interesting facts. however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers. for example, galen believed that the center of the cardiovascular system was the liver. the ancient people liked sour wine, they began to add it to food and use it in medicine. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. and today our cardiologists have the ability to... extend the life of the most important organ
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of the human body. we have long established clinics; we mainly use our own mechanical prostheses; this is absolutely our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models. watch in the science nearby project on tv channel belarus 24.
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hello, the central event of this spring, the all-belarusian people's assembly is the seventh, although from the point of view of the historical moment in a sense it is the first: the world is changing, we we are undergoing a global strategic update, but on the other hand, this format itself, in principle, arose as a response to the challenges of the dashing nineties, which posed questions to us about who we are, with whom we are, where we are going. let's remember how it all began.
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dear compatriots, respected delegates, foreign guests, i am excited to begin my report at the first ever all-belarusian people's assembly. we are faced with a choice, either belarus will remain a hostage in the hands of politicians thirsty for revenge for their defeats, or we will establish due process of law. let us direct all our strength, the strength of the people, to solving urgent problems. these days, it is not the fate of president lukashenko, not the institution of the presidency, that is being decided, but the fate of the entire belarusian people, the future of our children and grandchildren. the government must obey only the will of the people. we are, of course, ahead. we will also discuss
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the international agenda and the funds that the united states allocates in order to firmly stake out what they consider to be their flags on different continents, in different countries of the world, we will talk about our neighbors. ukraine about poland duda said that they need american nuclear weapons, but let’s start from this, alex sergeevich, ninety-six, the most difficult economically, the most difficult politically, between which we were choosing then between the collapse of the country, the destruction of our statehood and between the future, and it was not without reason that the president then decided to convene an all-belarusian people's assembly, i remember that time very well, despite the fact that i was very young, but my father was immersed in those political events, what happened? lukashenko was elected president in ninety-four, by the absolute majority of the people, but the political parties, the supreme council, all those who were in power before him, they did not accept it, they did not accept the will of the people, they began to interfere with work in every possible way, and the president at that time accepted
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the optimal decision, he decided to appeal directly to the people, directly to the people, i remember his slogan, ’94, i’m not with the parties, i... i can’t fully rely on politicians, because politicians shared grants, the west had enormous influence then had, and he makes a brilliant decision to rely directly to the people, the first all-belarusian people's assembly was convened, and this became not just the foundation of those years, later
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the president continued this practice, that is , in addition to the development of civil society, the president realized that his most reliable support was not the nomenklatura, uh, politics. lays the foundation for 10-50 years ahead, because in fact, what else is the last difference, why earlier the decisions of the all-belarusian people's assembly were of a recommendatory nature, there was nothing wrong with that, but because the president is still the people listened equally, relied on their will, what was recommended was still
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carried out, today we are introducing it into the constitution so that it becomes a mandatory decision of the all-belarusian people's assembly, for one simple reason, we are not thinking about the current moment, we are thinking so that in 10, 20, 30 years... in the name of the future of belarus, it is very symbolic that the all-belarusian people's assembly begins its work with the discussion and adoption of the most important documents ensuring national security. belarus is
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a compact country. belarusians are very a peace-loving people by nature, possessing a reserve of powerful vital energy. the resource is unique. who at different periods of history helped the belarusian people to survive, while the manic desire to be strong in this world is absolutely alien to us, but we know what it means to be strong in the name of peace, this is our memory, this is our historical experience, which cost us very dearly, in this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from nazi germany. invaders. the generation of winners showed that the strength of a nation is not in capital, not in military power is not in ambition, it is in true values, in the pursuit of justice and self-confidence. but alex sergeevich spoke about
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how that year six and now 2024 are different, and how these years are similar, considering what many are saying now.
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the people supported the president, the referendum took place, changes were made to the constitution, and this allowed our society to emerge from the socio-economic and political crisis, to develop normally, now too, which means that there are probably many more external factors here. influencing the republic of belarus, these external threats, which today...
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are acute for democracy under a strong president, and i would also remember the sixth
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all-belarusian people's assembly, 2021, when the next changes were made to the constitution, it was also quite a difficult moment for our country, then the people also said: we are for changes, yes, but evolutionary, we are for the evolutionary development of our country, we are for such a present and for a creative future, today, by the way, in this... constitution it is the all-belarusian people's the meeting received constitutional status, and this is also the will of the people. yes. sergeevich, a tidbit of paper, it seems to me, colleagues, was that almost all the initiatives voiced by the president, completely all at the first all-belarusian people's meeting, found the support of citizens, and not a single initiative of that convening, in fact, by the way, the first all-belarusian the national assembly became instead of the all-belarusian one then.
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uec to leave and join nato, as pashinyan, sandu, and other examples showed us, every new president becomes, why young people may not understand some thing now, if in that ninety- sixth year lukashenko had not held a belarusian people's assembly, had not held a referendum, there was a civil war in the country, this is the first, second, civil war, second, why these
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decisions, today someone is watching, who already knows lukashenko since 2000, since 2010, who? young, he does not understand one feature of those years, people were then intoxicated with democracy and freedom, the decisions that lukashenko pushed then, in fact, for many politicians, they seemed, how can he do this, how can it be, how can there be a referendum, how can such questions be brought up, then the west, democracy, elections every year, that means elections every six months, 100 parties, so that there are only parties they decided, and then he went, that’s the peculiarity of lukashenko, who... now we saw in covid, which we saw in the twentieth year, he went against the established trends in russia then it was a different time, yeltsin walked around drunk then, take to democracy how much if you want, governors, develop as you want, neighbors are the same, nationalism, western funds, nku, and lukashenko was alone then, that is, what he did in belarus in
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the nineties is now being repeated in russia, repeated in other countries, even georgians. they began to repeat it a little, which means, that is, who already understands that there is no other way, then he was alone. by today, the president of the supreme national assembly must be on guard during the transition period of generational change, he must see what is happening. and we see that the two key documents submitted for approval by this meeting are military doctrine, this is the concept of national security, to the extent that they today, given how rapidly events are developing, they correspond to what we are facing. yacheslav viktorovich, as you see it from my point of view. they really correspond to that moment of difficult geopolitical reorganization of the world, when the danger of these external threats, information, hybrid wars, everything is in these doctrines, which means that the concepts are taken into account, the human factor is also taken into account, the humanitarian component of the same national security, when it is very important what we mean, what attention we pay to the development
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of our society, our citizens of the republic of belarus, this is also a key point, because at the heart of everything there is always a person, what...
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why won’t there be sovereignty, not only electoral, war will be, that is, we don’t want to fight, the president initiated these documents, and we will talk a lot about the war at the all-belarusian meeting, in fact, with one goal, so that there is peace, that is, two aspects of this peace, the first is to be sovereign so that without our will we will not dragged into nowhere, that the poles want yours? the only thing is, when we enter the war, if someone meddles, meddles, we destroy, we also talk about this openly, and they will try to meddle, we will prove that belarusian cuisine
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is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar to me childhood, if you...
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anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel it is clear that what makes this vns special is what is happening on our borders in the world. the other day, the us congress sent a signal to the whole world: “ we won’t just give up on our own, we will scratch and bite.” let me remind you about 95 billion for three region, of which almost 60.1 billion to ukraine, more than 26 to israel, the rest to the indian region, read against china. well, alexerge, what is this? this is preparation for war, this is
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the first thing, the second is to prolong the war as long as possible. today, if we take ukraine, we take the first one, no one doubted that the us congress would make such a decision, for one simple reason: behind the us government, behind the republicans, behind the democrats, stands the us military-industrial complex, which during these months, years of war millions of dollars, anyone? will refuse this, we worked through these republicans, naturally they lobbied for a solution, let’s take the first region, ukraine, what do the americans need? firstly, the ukrainians paid for this help with the law on mobilization, which means that tens of thousands of ukrainians will go to their graves, there will be no victory, but the americans are solving a strategic geopolitical problem: continuing the war as long as possible, weakening europe further, because all the time this war will fall on the european union. and the third point that they decide: this means the middle east crisis, which is getting worse, instead of, as
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the president said, bringing ukraine to the negotiating table, everything is getting worse, not the third conflict, the third money is china, that is, there is another point of instability, for what? the goal is one, they don’t want to give up their leadership, as they believe, they don’t want to, but they at... one more moment today they have greatly destroyed the financial system of the world, they are beginning to destroy it, the decision to confiscate russian assets, today i carefully read the analytics of world experts, they say this is a serious blow to financial system of the world, because from today, when this decision is made, everyone understands perfectly well that there were no international guarantees previously that were there to protect capital, they are not there, they wanted them, they took them away. and we now understand that the decision of the two heads of state to build a sovereign, independent economy within the framework of a union state
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is the most correct one, because there will be no peace for the coming decades. regarding confiscation, the united states may have only 5 billion gold and foreign exchange reserves at its disposal, the eu is talking about 300 billion, here now we need to wait for pressure on brussels, and negative signals are coming from there, we cannot take it away. say about this, how will investors from the gulf countries, china, india react to this, the answer is bad, but washington seems to be going to abank, and europe is ready? colleagues, well, there is still a very moment of cynicism, and a decision made, and to demonstrate that we will continue the war in ukraine until the last ukrainian, at the expense of the ukrainians, and moreover, at the expense of the russians. capital, but the main issuing centers are not in washington or in america, they are in brussels, the statement that we will confiscate property is indirectly
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aimed at hitting the euro. because the main withdrawal of funds will be carried out from there, and of course, the europeans understand that guys, we didn’t agree on this, but america , in principle, has never agreed with anyone, and of course, the cynicism of this decision lies in the fact that they will carry it out as much as possible trying to provide this alexander, you noticed a very correct topic, because many now, especially here in the wake of analyzing what the western media write, they pay attention to the ukrainian front, to the middle east, to... russia, to iran, to china, but in all the key documents, big books, like dzhezinski, they said a long time ago that the main the rival is europe, because there are brains, there are competencies, there are capitals, have n’t the europeans themselves read these books, well, taking into account the leadership that is there today, we see not only lack of spine, but completely anti-state in relation to their countries the policies being pursued are not
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relying on the population, as... this is happening in belarus, then obviously europe is gently, slowly, and maybe quickly, colliding into a large vortex of uncertainty, neither economically, nor in military-political, nor in socio-social terms, i i would like to note that from my point of view, what is happening in the european union, but this is a classic example when, by geopolitical means , a potential enemy is removed in socio-economic terms, politically and so on, how is being removed, it has already sounded absolutely... true, it was actually raised by the anglo-saxon countries, great britain, the usa, this ruling elite of modern european countries, it was bought, namely kornyuvse, they graduated from the corresponding universities, their personal future is secured, but for this they they pay by defending american and british interests in the european union, destroying it, destroying, therefore, the destinies of these european peoples, not caring about them, they will not tolerate any damage for themselves personally, for their neighbors
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environment, they are well off, but what will... happen here, they decided overseas that they need to weaken this europe, throw them into the furnace of war, let it go, let it go, that is, the principle of such rabid egoism, using these ruling elites, corruption , what we see, and this is absolutely a lesson for us that we must take into account, with whom we are dealing in the west, is that these elites ruling modern, unfortunately, european countries, in the overwhelming majority, with rare exceptions , do not represent the interests of their people continue now, look, the polish authorities are adding fuel to the fire, it’s not okay, horror stories from the spy, yes, but pay attention to what the polish foreign ministry is bringing up, they allowed the possibility of western countries participating in the protection of the skies of ukraine. their argument is this: look how effectively the west helped israel repel iran’s attack, which means, says the polish foreign ministry: in this respect , the position of ukraine is no different from the jewish state, that is, if we translate from diplomatic to normal, what does this mean? well, actually it turns out, yes it is called upon
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to look after the western countries for this. the conflict that exists in ukraine already openly, yes, that means the problem there is that there really is no air supremacy, it is ensured by the russian federation, it controls who controls the air, this is a huge component for success on the ground military, and here they are offering to stretch, to provide some kind of air support to ukraine, but we must not forget that they gave the example of israel, how much it cost to repulse israeli air defense, that means, and countries, that means great britain, everyone who was involved there, they spent 1.5 billion dollars on reflection. from my point of view, iran carried out such a subtle, eastern move with this attack, revealing the potential first of all, which means that this israeli air defense, the allies who support it, on the other hand, showing, after all, despite the fact that most of the drones and other things were shot down, and all the hypersonic missiles reached their target,
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despite the fact that... this system was fully involved in advance prepared, it wasn’t unexpected, sharpen it up a little, so let’s sharpen up this topic a little bit, what americans are really afraid of, only they are afraid of two things: the first is the refusal of the dollar, the second is the death of american soldiers and missiles flying to washington and new york, this is the only thing they are not afraid of, if you act according to the logic that poland says, and lithuania has gone even further, they say, immediately, let's all fight against russia together, these are irresponsible, stupid statements of a person. the president of lithuania, who does not think about lithuanian people, there is a risk of a full-scale war then, because russia has said this more than once, that if planes or some take off from the airfields of european countries, these are potential strike targets, but i will say more if the americans were sure that only poland, germany, lithuania will be drawn into this war, it would suit them, for god’s sake, the main thing is that american soldiers do not die, when
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5,000 american soldiers died in iraq. a political wave began in america, the troops immediately withdrew a little, it subsided, the same with vietnam, that is americans are afraid of two things: that the war does not directly affect america. in the event of such an escalation, no one can give guarantees. let me remind you, two quotes from the leaders of the countries. first, lukashenko, who said: if you attack belarus, we will hit the decision-making centers, why is he saying this, to scare, no, he is not warning lithuania, which doesn’t decide a damn thing at all, three soldiers, this president, who gets scared, runs to hell, immediately hides with his suitcase, same thing, poles, no one wants to fight there, he warns the centers decision-making, and the leader...
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with a nato member and zelensky added, this is a very important topic, he added, what’s wrong with the ukrainians? but the poles have attracted attention, moreover, they will now attract both funding and the funding that you saw in congress, and there were also posters showing the main enemies, there are vladimir vladimirovich putin, sidin pin, our leader, that is they're actually demonstrating their uh completely center of power that stands now. guarding our entire, essentially post-soviet space, global world, in general, you already know, i was very interested in watching, in fact, here is a good picture, they openly show that today they are actually in the minority, these are the leaders of the country
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who are fighting, waging an absolutely fair fight, but what the poles are doing, they certainly demonstrate that we are ready to accept this capital, in ukraine now it means corruption, there is complete theft there, but we are capable. concentrate resources, we are able to bring them to ukraine, please, pockets are open, moreover, both tusk and kaczynski, they sympathize with donald trump, are already making a move there, not to mention that now we will turn around here, we are ready to carry out the electoral process, if we return to zelensky, look, there is something in this, you know, as if we are reading the revelation of one of roman dostoevsky’s heroes, when he found himself at the end of the road, looks back at how many... sacrifices he made for the sake of empty promises, now these billions are thrown at him, essentially saying one thing: there will be no diplomacy, there will be no peace talks, and looking back back, turning away from without trying to find his gaze, wherever he bumps into the cemetery
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of ukrainian citizens, he asks the question: what’s wrong with the ukrainians? and what’s also important, dmitry, because in may our president, dear alexander grigorievich lukashenko, noted that his legitimate powers are expiring, with whom?
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the rearmament program of the polish army is designed until 2035, the country allocates 4% of gdp, first place in military expenditure per capita in nato. in absolute figures , $115 billion. multiple launch rocket systems are being purchased at a colossal pace,
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artillery, airplanes, helicopters, infantry fighting vehicles. a thousand tanks have been ordered from south korea. usa 250. let me remind you that tanks are not defensive weapons. well, fresh, the polish authorities are ready to go. to place american nuclear weapons on its territory, president duda announced. these are the plans of our neighbors. marinasa, what do you think? well, i want to say that poland is a long time ago already. claims this hegemony in europe, yes, today, well, this is not the first such message, and of course, i agree with oleg sergeevich that this is the country that will always make money on everything, today it is important for her to gain a foothold, it is important for her to show that today she is, well, country number one among the countries of western europe, but of course for us this is not a very good signal, of course,
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it does not teach lessons from the historical past
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of poland state, what happened, and how such saber-rattling statements could end for the polish state, but on the other hand, i support marina aleksandrovna, indeed the united states should think very carefully 10 times before how to go about placing your nuclear weapons on the territory of poland, because this is a risk of actually involving the united states, this is a possible potential armed conflict, but i think that for the united states this would not be very desirable.
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they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer. the very first sites of primitive people, they were discovered precisely in polesie and all the historical milestones of europe, they are all connected in one way or another with polesie. happy childhood and youth, calm and measured life. onimi.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we continue, another topic in which there are many lessons for us. all last week, observing protests in georgia around the adoption in the first reading by the local parliament of a law on the transparency of foreign influence, in russia, we were actively discussing the emergence in different countries of barriers against foreign agents, as conductors of foreign soft power. we see how they have reared their heads in the west, and now hesitation has begun in georgia; if we are accepted into the eu, we will reconsider. i remember how quite recently such laws were passed.
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holding electoral campaigns, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely ; they do not yet see any real prerequisites for shaking the situation by analogy with the twentieth year. the second, main use of the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for
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a coup d'etat during the upcoming presidential elections in 2020. third scenario. this is a reserve game, a long game, with extensive use of soft power tools, a case of failure of the first two scenarios. by in fact, this game has not stopped as long as sovereign belarus has existed. well, colleagues, they are rehearsing, our opponents are doing poorly, let’s say right away that the single day voting was very successful throughout the country, and society showed its political strength. and consolidation, if we talk about the practices that our colleagues apply, the laws on agents, we have already mentioned, then it seems to me that in the republic of belarus they reacted very adequately, harshly and timely with the law on extremist media, we have everyone, everyone knows, what belsad is
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polish funding, radio liberty is american, and no additional cliches are needed, plus, we should not create any additional conditions. for development, and we will leave here, somehow adapt, our black watershed took place in the twentieth year, as in the russian federation, twenty-second, we understand perfectly well who is broadcasting objective information, who is purposefully pumping up society with fakes, propaganda of western values , in general, is trying to influence politically. in this regard, of course, the president very clearly laid out these three scenarios, along with the power block, you just need to see preventive measures. on the risks, we must understand that the foundation of electoral sovereignty has emerged and cybersecurity, an important area, and this is digital sovereignty, the media, social networks, i work with youth, you work with youth, we understand that until our ecosystem is digital , we will not leave either, although the most
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effective tool is direct communication, working every day in the classroom with young people, we see their response, we understand that so far...
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this territory is influencing the minds of citizens, yes, that means it is fooling them in every possible way, roughly speaking, yes, and in order to split society itself, bring this controlled chaos and then get what is needed in by this western destructive center of power in one or another territory, here, from our point of view , it was done absolutely correctly, as in our country, if you are promoting ideas that contradict our ideology, our state, this extremist media should not function, it should not there must be half measures in this hybrid war, which is waged differently. to carry out their will, and not the will of their people, to act not in the interests of their people and the state, in someone else’s external ones, so there
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is a very big danger here, in fact it is very important, by the way, that in the same concept of national security, literally national strategic goals, ours... and i also agree that really clear legislative barriers have been set, calmly, without any law on foreign agents, although i think now oleg sergeevich will say that he is very seriously initiated this at one time.
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they say, at the same time they ask: why are there no ngos of ours on the territory of belarus, why do you ban funding from the west, this is nonsense, that is, we must clearly understand, so that it is easier for people, there is a garden, there is an owner of this garden, if there are weeds , they will grow very strongly there, there will be a lot of them, then it will be impossible to put things in order in the garden, we see this in other countries, take the same georgia, okay, the georgians, by the way, answered, this is some kind of step when take us to the eu, we will reconsider.
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are growing, we need to grow our own, good, correct, a good harvest of patriotic organizations, political parties, public initiatives, that’s why we create civil society, laws, political parties, because it should always be, everything should be sprouted by our liabilities, and not western ones, the last one, yes, i’m not afraid for the twenty-fifth year, i’m not afraid for the twenty -fourth year, that’s what we are now laying down, including in the vns, i’m worried about the thirty-fifth, forty, so that again believed. again, a new yeltsin, gorbachev, new foundations, new ngos have not appeared, because who wants this, i can tell you, who is lobbying for a new ngo to return to
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the year nineteen? first, as a deputy of the international commission, the west dreams of returning to the year nineteen, they regret that they have lost soft power, there are no receptions in embassies, there are no these oppositionists, eating like these very cockroaches, collecting money there with suitcases for the fight, this is no longer there, who else wants it, some officials who would then receive visas? for a year or more in order to live in peace, what will the people get from these people? nothing, so we must understand once and for all, only our own, no western money, this is an axiom, lukashenko, having come to power, the first thing he did was remove the soros foundation, this was his first brilliant decision, if the soros foundation had been here, it would not have worked , maybe ninety-six, and ninety-eight, and 2000 and 2010, it’s too much money, what to oppose them with, well, since we are talking today about strategic tasks, then here is the development of comprehensive... relations with russia, and we have reached a serious practical level, this is energy, innovation, space, infrastructure development, and we see how often
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leaders meet and have regular negotiations with the heads of russian regions, this time the governor of the arkhangelsk region came this week, here is a fragment of the meeting, it is very important for us seriously develop the northern sea route, which means tens of millions of tons of cargo, because due to sanctions, western countries have closed their ports. therefore, it is very important for us to master the northern sea route, we have tried our products in small quantities supplying along this route, especially to the people's republic of china, to the far east of russia, this is a very profitable route for us, so it will be of great interest for us to work with the arkhangelsk region, but also since about ninety-six, then we were just laying down this direction, we saw that, by the way, in russia itself...
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iran, emphasizing the importance and specifically of the leader of the nation, yes, who today is essentially confronting evil. secondly, look, the economically pragmatic question is how much we have invested in klaipeda, how much we have invested in the baltic port
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facilities, built the entire infrastructure, created hundreds of jobs. with the russian federation, ukraine at war, and belarus in space with the development of technology, with a reliable foundation. this is an example today for all countries of the post-soviet space. i want to remind you that the west always punishes all countries for only one thing, not for democracy, freedom, elections, no one cares about this, it will always be until the end of human existence, only for geopolitics. all
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sanctions since 96 against our country at the same time. alliance with russia, they can’t forgive us for this, but why did we agree to this? because lukashenko wants to build a sovereign independent belarus, and the union with russia strengthens it, sovereignty and statehood, and we are strengthening, by the way, the statehood of russia, this is why they are strangling us, that we are becoming stronger, this is the basis, and the nineties, you are right , no one wanted, there in russia many did not want this union, again we return to the entire belarusian people's assembly, who wanted the union, the peoples?
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the president always said, i am for belarus i’m glad, but he simply said things that were close to the russian heart, so naturally he had enormous popularity, well, also for china, alex sergeevich, europeans also always seize the opportunity, so to speak, you are friends with china, with iran - bad, you are friends with ukraine, which is fascist, we burn people there, democratic people, well, how is this watershed possible, it has now become obvious, since they react like that to... you conducted the elections poorly, but you can cancel the elections altogether, only from an alliance with russia refuse means sell all the enterprises to the west, the president comes out tomorrow and says: there won’t be elections for 100 years, the west, long live lukashenko, well done, the main thing is that he turned his back on russia, countryman, my colleagues said so much, and i really agree with everything,
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of course the west is not interested, remember how the most important goal was after...
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not only from a strong president, not only from an initiative government, not only from an influential parliament, we must unite, the key word here is consolidation, time has chosen each of us, and if we want to save the country, if we want a future for our children, then we must all unite, in another way, us, no one else, not the one who will, listen, whisper to us. from around the corner, how should we live, how should we act, what elections should we hold, who should we choose, who should we be friends with, and we will walk this path, that’s right, as the president said,
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yes, we are walking on thin ice, on very thin ice , a little step to the left, a step to the right, and we will fail, unite and walk together on thin ice, but straight forward, this a very, very important task, well, it is very important that... each of us, a citizen of the republic of belarus, understood in our souls that we would not have another homeland. alexander, you know, in 1979 a film of the same name by mikhail ptashuk was released. and so she talked about how people of different professions, specialties, all took part in one partisan detachment, defended independence, defeated fascism. and today for every delegate in this audience. all the people's assembly, we are responsible to our citizens, to those are delegates of all belarusian collectives who entrusted us with this high title, these are millions of people, and we
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must walk this path with dignity so that we will never be ashamed, neither in front of past generations of veterans, nor in front of future ones, so time chose us and no one besides us, thank you for participating in this program, thank you, finally, so what is vns, what is it? its purpose, why so many respected people insist that this is fundamentally important, someone asks the question: okay, delegates, but for me what's this? i, for example, am not a delegate, but i have something to say, and i see it this way, the vns is not about potholes on the roads, for this we have enough departments and specialists, the vns is about who we are today and most importantly, who we see ourselves as tomorrow in 5 years and 50, of course, there is only one life, it must be lived with dignity.
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grandfather, a front-line soldier, he has been dead for a long time, my children haven’t even seen the order of the red star in my hands, but when i hold it in my hands, when they my children look at it... a family artifact, then you know, two times two generations of one family, they come into contact, each generation has its own trials, some need to win the war, some need to prevent it, some need to live in peace with dignity, each has their own heritage, what is ours as a country? this is the question that the supreme council is called upon to answer, in my understanding, i very much hope that the delegates and our society are mature enough to not only... take on such a task, but also fulfill it with dignity, in the end, who , if not us, because time itself chose us, everything is happy today.


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