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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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and then a total does not contain the universities across the united states. a run by protest against israel is 1000. i've also triggered the demonstrations in europe and beyond the jordan. this is just a rough value from dell also coming up and is really as probably going to a residential building in southern guns that kills at least 5 of them in the depths tone in 24 hours. because now the 50 sanitation on was the crisis on the streets of
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gauze. we report on how disease is spreading mid fears of colorado and humanitarian aid from cause it stuck in turkey. israel was that the freedom flow to the website, the we still have with the student protests in the united states, the comp setup at columbia university in new york. and some of down to and palestine has turned into a movement. the spread right across the us to europe and beyond. students are demanding that schools divest from israel and columbia that promising to maintain their incompetence until the month i met. well, the universities have made several offers, promising to examine them, review divestment, but it's not enough for the students. more than 550 have been arrested so far. today is day 203 of genocide for palestinians in gaza and nearly 75 years of colonial violence from the of hard tide state of israel. and i meant english for
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palestinians everywhere. if you are not focusing on the brutal genocide currently happening in gaza and the apartheid system, palestinians are living under in all of the occupied palace time. we employ you to do so. it is important to remember why we are here, are encampment here at columbia, and in cabinets everywhere around the country are part of a larger movement for palestinian liberation. how does he have his christian salumi is that columbia university in new york? after 10 days, the encampment here at columbia university is still going strong, alumni and other supporters of the demonstrators are dropping off food. faculty, volunteers are guarding the entrance to the and cabinet, and the students themselves remain here, day and night. they're holding kitchens that involved muslim and jewish students together. all of this while negotiations are continuing with the administration. but it's clear at this point the university doesn't want
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a repeat of what happened when they called in the police and arrested more than 100 students. that's just brought out more in demonstrators here at columbia university and all around the country as well. it also provokes criticism from the faculty. the school senate earlier criticized the administration and a formal statement for its clamp down on the students, which they see as a violation of what the university stands for, for a free speech and the right to speak out. that said, the university is also facing pressure from students who say they feel uncomfortable and at least one major donor who has announced that he's angry about what the school is doing here and has pulled his support. kristin salumi alger 0 new york philologist here with john henry and is that another new york university
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that became occupied by demonstrators this week. so another day, another group of pro palestinian students occupying yet another american university, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, end of free palestine. this in camp and at city university of new york was in its 2nd day on friday, a public institution joining a movement that started at elite private institutions. it is spread from campus to campus coast to coast from columbia university to the university of southern california, which has canceled its graduation ceremony over the protest. the occupations are rejected by university leaders and reviled by campus police whom students block from entering the territory they occupied which supported by the swelling ranks of students and pell is standing and advocates across the us, including orthodox jewish supporters across the
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street. the reason i disturbs me to my court to see my own people perpetrating something that we've been doing is this very disturbing. on thursday campus police tried and failed to forcibly clear students from their camp of occupation. the interpreted city university of new york is a tranquil or even suggestive scene. but what people are worried about now is that new york police will come in and do what campus police putting the new york police department on friday preposition barricades in portable light pulse, a harbinger students. fear of a new wave of arrest that have swept universities across the nation by the hundreds at each campus student organizers and university leaders negotiate demands. and it
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can't stand off the students wanting to investment of university assets from israel in anything that helps to wage war and does university leaders demanding their campuses. it's beautiful to see that there are some of the encampments and the young people are really, really starting to show up and support and demand that a schools are held accountable for their all your relationship with his rarely keeping his agent as college presidents, calling police to clear encampment after encampment the demonstrators build and rebuild in a stalemate that reflects a deeply divided american nation. john henry and l g 0. new york is unofficial now at george washington university in washington dc. so the number of professors inside the college courtyard has gone down significantly since this time on thursday. the reason for that is the right sort of being made by the university
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warning students that could lose their housing. there's the possibility that they could lose college credits that they might not be able to graduate or not the 16 inside the courtyard. but as you can see, they've been joined by hundreds, are excited to come to give their support to i. dear boy, to the protest outside the university, and the number of those have turned up, put a to spoken to the cried one of those was a young man by the name of incitement. now he's a jewish student and he says, there is a very good reason why he decided to add his voice to the protests here at g w. this is a fight we should be in together. you know, like i said, we are the spiritual and often literal descendants of the victims of a genocide. there's another one going on right now. we are watching it live stream on our phones, on our tvs. we should be here raising our voices. i shouldn't be the only one that i am far from the only one the only jewish person that is here today. and we should all be here standing up against
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a human ization against polarization and against genocide because we've seen it before and never again. and that means for anybody, many of the academics at george washington and also other schools in the washington area have actually sent a note to the authorities. saying that the students should not be punished for exercising their right to free speech. and for exercising their brains to contemplate what is happening and guys, but the authorities have not decided at any point to discuss with the students. the minds that the university divest from is really, companies that they look at is really academic links as well. and they give it guarantees that those who are protesting will not face any sort of punishment in the future. those who are still protesting see the steering the steering until the demands are met. also sure, i'll just see the george washington university in washington, dc. in paris, a demonstration by students was broken off off of the occupied the main building of
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the c all suppose university for hours in the evening. the university management said it had reached an agreement with the students who promised they would no longer interrupt the classes on tuesday or is natasha butler? was that the protest? suntrust miserable a r k did inside services, procedures, seals pull university, dozens of students to mom. thing it in to israel's war and garza outside of is challenging for phones to help support they say it's a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide. and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. things became tends when a group, supposing israel arrive to stay to counter protest for the release, the captain. i live near here and i worry, this university is no longer friends. french police moved in to separate the 2
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sides. meanwhile, most students during the demonstration filling this to the children. one of the universities like there's another reason universe. we have a few months, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research with a work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j. and we want it starts with investigating and prep partnerships. to protest is the latest student demonstrations. on wednesday, french police pay the $16.00 move, the student says was a pete 100 and symbolic there's a real google not only in seems to be very wide in for in french flight. there was a startling process,
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9 voice. now we reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the provision to pick is out of the time the next assignment assignments, the must be broken, said the students is palestinian rights to be heard to butler just sarah purse. meanwhile, his very forces, i've noticed a series of ass strikes on several residential neighborhoods in gauze, at least 5 other children of charlotte, caleb, and under the tank on the building and several of the injured were taken to the to a specialized hospital on the palestinian health ministry says at least 51 people were killed in the past 24 hours. what israel is war and guns that has left the strips, health care system in ruins. the collapse of sanitation systems and lack of clean drinking water is fueling the spread of disease. i'll just say i was heading my report after months of bombardment on suffering,
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the people of guys that have been left with the new in the beginning. the vision because it should be a honda for the situation is very di and the place is no suitable for living at to know toilets. no, it was a no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one war to science of 5000 displaced individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces. and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases the lack of showers and hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper hygiene is nearly impossible. stagnating water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and flies, the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most widespread diseases among children. israel's war on gaza is also straining the management of medical ways,
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adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supplies. and she went to the original sanitation or waste management. when you live in the street, there's no sanitation, tools or equipment to help the tools as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available. if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months, we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problems, sickness, stress, and the problem of the conflict. we're not excited. the pressure non post traumatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles intends bombing, campaign has eliminated nearly all social services and health care. 2 recovery will need a humanitarian aid organizations, local authorities and international actors to work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment,
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are all needed immediately. clean water would be star hunting for most of the garza palestine. and international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observance from reaching casa, the freedom flotilla says, israel has created an administrative roadblock to stop the best of them leaving the port in istanbul. that's a big story. ready, but they're not setting sale. the 8 has been loaded with the international students that to that has facebook organizers say are administrative roadblocks, initiated by israel. the leadership act in this business that of the republic of getting the best so organized to say, there's been pressure to have this like removed and stuff, the vista from departing. so i understand the message to the european countries about the nations, to, to be participants on the ship and quite in challenge for them. and also sending a lot of massachusetts, the turkish government to acquire the challenge from the port authorities. and it's
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not as far as it was on the freedom for the to the 14 years ago, who was one of the 9 people kills. but these really made that even they boarded them, of you motor motor, a way to i don't know if was on the so the to the in 2010. israel continues to deny the entry of life saving aid for palestinians. and we can't justify while our government to nothing effective. we could change the realities in silver plan to sale with this live saving a but also to confront and challenge israel seeds on the civilian population. but she would now have to wait. no one here knows for how long you and experts have demanded the safe passage for the freedom to, to the closing on these well to adhere to international, including recent orders from the international court of justice can show unimpeded access. for too many children aid activists have not been told to return to their home countries until the to the is ready to leave. nobody knows how long that will take or if it will default for garza,
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with the instructions on political pressure which remains to be seen. but for now, the 5500 tons of humanitarian aid will remain here. and there will not be a challenge to these various egypt, garza, i said vague azeta assembled to be to the occupied westbank where 2 young palace demands have been shot that buys ready for us, is that the southern checkpoint mid janine the victims were reported. mikhail, during fighting with soldiers, his writings prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies, a tire shop right here, and i'll just say about when he come back on patrol against the drug guns in ecuador, is the president using the search and bodies as a spring board for reelection why can you or can seem to me that holmes, despite devastating floods the
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color we are looking at some wet weather, making its way towards the west impulse of saudi arabia over the next couple of days, logically as guys at present. but we will say some showers just gathering right along the west side of vast sadie as we go through fast a chance of a shower to, to west composite of the i mean, where the weather will close by the flooding. i suspects into a positive, i've kind of done some snow the over the high ground. stay going on into sunday. you can see that pushes a little further north with denise was couple temperatures around 12 celsius. that's the weather at that state. also pushing it to central, positive saudi again, the likelihood of some flash flooding as a result of that one or 2 shells around the use, the side of it made nothing too much to speak of. and i think by the time we come to the 2nd half of the way can sunday desolate long as you try gaza. 2425 degrees. what was the chance of one of to show us just to the north of fact so. so tell us a one to 2 shots at the northern past, off um or, okay, what's the weather to sliding in here? is it go through the next dial side?
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i sas day going on into sunday about what the weather creeping across the north coast of algeria. usual showers continued across central africa chavez to continue our course at east the side of africa, i think will be less. what should we say to? can you? of the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which if you're going to and bushy, whole unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here, this why university protests and some of towers who would kind of stein a continuing to spread across the united states. students are demanding that schools divest them is ro pulled in $550.00. interesting sense, is there any forces of loans that strikes on several neighborhoods and guns, at least try on his demands with tails and then a ton of residents for building and russell. i'm a senior and health industry standards. $51.00 feeds up until the 24th an international aid organization says, as well as deliberately preventing a shit, carrying a, an international service from region gauze. the freedom floating us as well has
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created an administrative, road plumbing and stuff. the vessel leading. the 4th in east on the ship will not go through further inspections to lang. it's planned friday for the area. we spoke to somebody about a, an activist taking part in protest at george washington university. she's also been protesting in front of secretary of state anthony blink comes house, as well as these really embassy. she says the student movement is a powerful voice for the palestinian cause. i think the power of and cabins and the power of consistent endurance and protest is extremely important. we are at a very critical moment in shifting public opinion and united states holding accountable institutions that enable and support and whitewash as well as crimes and crimes against humanity. and also showing the world that we're no longer a freight. we're no longer afraid to step into our advocacy into the power of the resistance and seeing enough of the in humanity enough of the violations of international law we've had in camp. it's now in front of lincoln's home. today is a 93 of our campus secretary state, and we are at
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a 60 of our 247 and cameron also in front of the is really embassy. and we are so proud to have been joined by so many students, many of whom are currently camping in this yard right here. that had been with us from the beginning. and we're here to show solidarity. we are here to support the students movements. it is extremely powerful when students start to step up and say, we are no longer afraid to risk our careers. we are not afraid to speak the truth and we are going to put apply, put in application, everything that we're learning about in textbooks, that the school somehow are so afraid of them to do. and that's why people go to school. they go to school to learn critical thinking, to learn how to hopefully make the world a better place. and the fact that it's being stopped is ludicrous us sunset. bernie sanders slammed his right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu for a box he made criticizing those protests in the us netanyahu. i have described demonstrations as horrific saying that campuses had been taken over by anti semitic mobs. this will sound as response. no mister, that's in yahoo. it is not anti semitic, or pro come us to point out that in a little over 6 months,
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your extreme is government has killed $34000.00 pounds of citizens and wounded more than 78070 percent. the form of women and children that it is not at the subject to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless. almost half the population. it is not anti semitic to note that your government has obliterated garz's civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage. it is not empty symmetric to realize that your government has a no, i elated causes health care system. not the $26.00 hospitals out of service and killing more than $400.00 health care workers. it is not anti semitic,
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to condemn your governments destruction of all of causes, 12 universities and 56 bit schools with hundreds more damage, leaving 625000 students with no educational opportunities. it is not anti semitic, to agree with virtually every humanitarian organization in saying that your government in violation of american law has unreasonably blocked humanitarian aid. coming into casa, creating the conditions in which so many thousands of children. they smell nutrition and 5 and the nets and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people. but please do not insult the intelligence of the american
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people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extreme risk and race as government. so support the israel within the us, evangelical christian community, has been unwavering. that all around $11000000.00 american evangelicals and that supports the israel is based on the belief that the existence of israel will pay the way for the return of jesus christ. listen to this recent exchange. congressman and the university of columbia as president are you familiar with genesis 123? probably not as well as you are homeless man. well, it's pretty clear it was a covenant that god made with abraham. and uh that cabinet was real clear. uh, if you blast israel, i will bless you. if you curse israel, our curse you. and then in the new testament it was confirmed that all nations
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would be blessed through you. so you do not know about that. i have heard that now that you've explained that yes up here that is that for me uh, do you consider that a serious issue? i mean, do you want columbia university to be cursed by god of the bible? definitely not. okay. well that's good. well certainly bounce from about this from santa conner. i can investigate. she says that some evangelical beliefs regarding israel. a based on a misreading of the bible's a. it's a political view of the end times, especially rooted in the last book of the christian scriptures. the book of revelation, which is that when the world ends, it's going to end in a battle in israel and the geographical place of israel, where jesus will come again. and that's a very distorted out of context because our understanding of that
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text. so that just that, that, that simple story is taken way out of context from the political, evan jellico movement. you're not interested in the value of the state of israel except to the degree that during its destruction will come. it will be the 2nd coming of jesus, which is troubling in it's all right. so it's not for the sake of this real, really the know it could or was ones one of the safest countries in latin america. but in the last 10 years, it's had one of the highest meta rates in the region. since taking office last year, president daniel and above declared war against the drug contents. and recently, when a referendum to impose hoshal noise. but doing so when the easy as theresa, but it reports from black youth. so this is
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a tactic as motorcycle unit carrying out to an operation english like he's known to be the drug trafficking. have you nick, whether or president, then you know, a has intensified police operations against drug gangs declaring the warm coast health. we accompanied the unit to an area known as the ac, named after a police officer who went rogue and joined a criminal group. and then the visa varies with chronic problems of consumption and sale of drugs. and then most of the action happens at night to me. the situation has improved a bit too much, but it's still very complicated here. it whether it was one's acquired nation in the region, but in the last decade it has been taken over by drug related violence. we're told that healing was a cuba situation, get some more violence when you get close to the river. it because criminal organizations are fighting for access to the river, it leads to which this country's major ports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. according to the police,
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many of these votes are involved in the trade. but fishermen tend to view police officers with suspicion, saying corruption is a common thing among the police force. and then the says, the security situation in what or in the past year has gotten out of control alexi and the police because he equals it's all a disaster. i'm picking up troops when i'm here. the only thing i see is bad news this week, or fluid is detained, the leader of a powerful gang in the country, unless on the president, no, i want to vote. so we formed the constitution and implemented how should laws against those involved in the drug trade. but no boy serving a short term 18 months presidential term and he's unlikely he will have enough time to carry out major reforms. elections are happening early next year. the lions dates that will be see the, we will know the military on the streets is not the solution. and then it's
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unlikely that he'll be able to implement any reforms fast. but the presidents has convinced that security is what we'll guarantee is re election in 2025. and that's why the advertising this hotline policy, as the drug trade continues to transform, make one or many of the people living here are putting their face in the precedent security plan, hoping it will succeed. pretty simple. i'll just see there was a key. it went on, the higher the police department has released body camera footage of the arrest of a 53 year old black mountain who died after he was detained. from tyson can be heard repeatedly telling police officers icon brief as they sent him to the ground. an officer can be seen placing a knee on his neck for about 30 seconds. incident is reminiscent of george floyd's death in minneapolis 4 years ago, which at least
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a wave of protest against police brutality. heavy rains of devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks, floods in terms of the, the room, the and kenya of killed at least 200 people and destroyed thousands of homes. can you central region has been hit, especially hard in recent days. i'll just there was malcolm web reports from cash out of county, south of the capital of the reins mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. thousands of people have been killed in flash floods here in kenya. holdings of one of those mother was one of them. this is what remains of a home and her possessions. 6 people died here. we have press. this is exactly the phase. this is where we found them. the 40 of my mother's neighbors was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankle with her head lost between her ties. people in the slums of the capital nairobi say the
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government some little to help president william root so called an emergency meeting earlier this week. i also asked the military and i'm happy that many missed


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